Sunday, June 28, 2020
The United States, Japan and China Difference In Approaches To Managing People - Free Essay Example
For the United States, Japan and China evaluate how approaches to managing people differ and how these differences can be explained by cultural context. Date authored: 26 th May, 2014 Introduction In this international age of business where firms operate in many different parts of the globe, it is important to note that approaches to management may differ across cultures. In setting up a new office in, for example, China or Japan, potential managers should seek to adapt to the different cultural practices of the host country in order to better manage their workforce and achieve productivity. In this essay, we shall, firstly, discuss methods of measuring key dimensions of culture, and then using said dimensions, look at the different management styles between three countries; China, Japan and the US, currently the three largest economies in terms of GDP, and seek to determine how each approach is shaped by the unique cultural contexts of each country. Measuring Key Dimensions of Culture In order to measure the potential effects of culture on the behaviour of said cultures firms and managers, Geert Hofstede (2001), while working for IBM in the late 70s and early 80s, identified six key dimensions of culture that could be measured through use of survey data and indexed values, namely; Time Orientation (Long Term vs Short Term); a measure of the extent to which each society values history, heritage and tradition whether it prefers to uphold traditional values and is more resistant to new ideas and technology (Long Term Orientation) or whether it is more fluid, less focussed on the past and more open to change (Short Term Orientation); Power Distance (High vs Low), which measures how well the society in question handles uneven distributions of power; whether it is generally accepted and understood as a fact of life (high power distance) or whether it is held to be deeply unfair, unnatural, and something to be railed against (low power distance); Individ ualism vs Collectivism; a measure of the extent to which a sense of community and collective responsibility exists, and whether it is thought to be more important than individualist beliefs and desires. Individualist societies tend to value independence, privacy and personal fulfilment, while collectivist societies tend to value group interdependence and a repression of personal ambition when it is misaligned with communal values; Uncertainty Avoidance (Weak vs Strong), which measures the extent to which each society is comfortable dealing with risk, uncertainty and ambiguity ââ¬âsocieties with high degrees of uncertainty avoidance tend to be highly regulated and value careful planning and structure, while societies with low degrees of uncertainty avoidance tend to be more pragmatic, and accept change and risk as factors of life; Masculinity vs Femininity; a measure of societal gender differentiation ââ¬â in ââ¬Ëmasculine cultures, gender roles are highly differ entiated and society as a whole places higher values on competition, ambition, and personal achievement whereas in ââ¬Ëfeminine societies gender roles are less starkly defined and more equal, and society tends to place higher values on relationship building, modesty and group harmony (Hofstede and Minkov, 2010). The US American society traditionally has a tendency to value individualism and personal freedoms ââ¬â indeed, such ideals can be seen in the idea of ââ¬ËThe American Dream, which postulates that anyone can achieve great wealth and success through individual hard work and determination. With regard to the Hofstede (2001) dimensions of cultural influence; Source: Gallant (2013) The United States scores low on the measure of Power Distance, suggesting that American culture is generally intolerant of uneven distributions of power and prefers to see all men as equal (as is laid out in the American Declaration of Independence). It also scores low on Time Orientation, suggesting US society prefers to embrace change and adapt to new ideas rather than sticking to more traditional approaches. It scores quite highly on Masculinity vs Femininity, which is perhaps a reflection of the traditional American respect for competition and ambition. Unsurprisingly, it scores very highly in the measure of Individualism vs Collectivism, a reflection of the deeply held belief in individual freedoms and independence which has been a mainstay of American culture since the war of independence. This strong sense of individualism is reflected in the American approach to management. Generally, American managers are expected to deal with employees as individuals, rather than as a collective ââ¬â the ââ¬Ëopen door approach to management, where employees are free to approach and discuss issues, suggestions and ideas with upper management, is a uniquely American approach to management that has gained traction in other parts of the world (Laurent, 2006) as it allows employees to feel that their ideas and opinions are valued by those higher up the corporate ladder. American managers are often viewed as facilitators, helping employees to develop personal talents and understanding the individual strengths and weaknesses of those they oversee (Lewis, 2000). Indeed, many American employers use psychometric tests in their hiring process, to determine an applicants individual skill level and expected role within the team (Jenkins, 2001). Indeed, skill-based human resource management theories and practices have quickly gained traction in many American firms (Lawler, 1992), reflecting the US cultural practice of embracing new ideas and valuing individu al contributions. There is also a strong sense of competition prevalent in the American approach to management, with promotions tending to go to those who have been seen to ââ¬Ërise above the rest, rather than merely to those who have had the longest tenure (Morris and Pinnington, 2012). The study by Morris and Pinnington (2012) shows that many US manufacturing firms (around a third of those studied, including several of the largest) have an ââ¬Å"up-or-outâ⬠approach to employee promotion, whereby if an employee has not risen to the next level of the career ladder by a specified time, they are asked to leave the firm. A study by Gibbons and Waldman (1999) shows that workers in US firms who receive promotions early in their career tend to then be promoted quickly to the next level again, suggesting that individual achievement and ambition is both recognised and rewarded. China Chinese society is highly influenced by the teachings of Confucius, where all relationships are seen as inherently unequal; both elders and superiors are to be automatically given the utmost respect, and where the group is held to be far more important than the individual (Yum, 2009). This emphasis on group cohesion over individual freedoms was further influenced by the advent of Chinese communism in 1949, and the formation of the Peoples Republic of China. While China has become decidedly less socialist economically over the past two decades, owing mainly to Deng Xiaopings economic reforms of 1978 and 1992, it still remains a communist country, and its socialist ideology is still highly prevalent in everyday life (Yum, 2009) With regard to the Hofstede (2001) dimensions of cultural influence; Source: Gallant (2013) China scores highly on the measure of Power Distance, reflecting the fact that Chinese society inherently accepts uneven power distribution and inequality as a fact of life. Unsurprisingly, China scores very low on the measure of Individualism vs Collectivism, given both the Confucianist and the ruling Communist Partys emphasis on obedience to the state and group cohesion. It scores relatively highly on the measure of Masculinity vs Femininity, suggesting that gender roles are fairly strictly defined, and that ambition and assertiveness are valued, although mainly when they are used for the benefit of the group/state. China scores very highly on Time Orientation, suggesting that Chinese culture is very traditional and conservative, placing great emphasis on traditional values and methods. They also score very low on Uncertainty Avoidance, suggesting that Chinese society generally does not tolerate uncertainty, and prefers rules and strict structures to be in place. This ca n be seen in the fact that Chinese organisations tend to be highly structured and hierarchical, with each individual having a strict distinct role within the organisation (Lewis, 2000). Chinese managers tend to be very autocratic, and most decision-making is made from the top-down with little consultation (Gallant, 2013). Chinese decision making tends to be highly directive, task-oriented and low in cognitive complexity, with little room for interpretation (Martinson and Davison, 2005). Senior managers often have close ties to the Communist Party, and often important business decisions ââ¬â especially those related to international trade ââ¬â are scrutinised by party officials before being made (Osland, 1990). Chinese society emphasises the need for social cohesion, and the avoidance of conflict. Lockett (1988) suggests that the Chinese approach to management is much more people and relationship-oriented, and less performance-driven than in the West. When it comes to promotion, managers tend to promote those who are seen to be trustworthy and reliable rather than those who have sought to ââ¬Ërise above the rest at the expense of others (which is seen to be harmful to group cohesion), and length of tenure is also a highly important factor in determining promotion prospects (Ding et al, 1997). Japan Japanese society in general emphasises politeness and modesty as key virtues to be upheld ââ¬â in a country with one of the highest urban population densities in the world, such virtues are important in maintaining social cohesion (Clammer, 2011). Japan was essentially closed to the outside world, apart from occasional contact with Dutch traders, until 1854, when the US Navy forced it to open its borders to trade (Totman, 2005). Since then, it has established itself as the third largest economy in the world in terms of GDP, behind the US and China at first and second place, respectively. With regard to the Hofstede dimensions of cultural influence; Source: Gallant (2013) Japan scores low on the measure of Individualism vs Collectivism, suggesting that Japanese society values group cohesion and social relationships over individual desires and accomplishments. Japan scores very highly on the measure of Masculinity vs Femininity, suggesting a high emphasis on fixed gender roles and on competition. It also scores very highly on Uncertainty Avoidance suggesting a high importance placed on the value of structure and rule formation, which can be interpreted as a holdover of its imperial past and its emphasis on a strict social hierarchy (Benedict, 1967). This is unsurprising given the high score for the measure of Time Orientation, which demonstrates Japanese culture is generally rather traditionalist and conservative. Although Japan scores low on the measure of individualism, Japanese managers tend to invest a great deal in their employees skills and development ââ¬â in many Japanese firms, new employees spend around six to twelve months in t raining in each division of the company, so they can understand the different aspects of the firms organisation (Gallant, 2013). This ties in to the Japanese emphasis on structure and collectivism ââ¬â each employee knows their role, and understands the role others play in the firms activities. Japanese decision making tends to be very collaborative ââ¬â the Japanese concept of ââ¬Ëhourenshou captures this perfectly. It refers to the necessity of reporting on both your own work and that of others, in ensuring everyone involved in the process is kept informed on how each piece of work is progressing (Clammer, 2011). Often, decisions are made at the middle management level, after consulting with subordinates, and are then passed up the chain to upper-level management to implement. Top management is seen as more of a facilitator than as a strictly authoritarian body. This idea of group responsibility is also upheld in the Japanese concept of ââ¬Ëgenchi genbutsu whi ch translates roughly as the need to get ones hands dirty when one spots a problem, regardless of role or level. Thus, top-level management are often willing to pitch in on a project to help it succeed, even if said project is many levels below (Clammer, 2011). The Japanese approach to promotion emphasises both seniority, maintenance of group cohesion, and modesty ââ¬â the higher a manager rises, the more modest and unassuming he needs to appear (Suzuki, 1986). In Japan, it is generally expected for an employee to spend his working life at one company, slowly developing their individual skills and moving up the ranks, reflecting both the Japanese cultural preference for strong structure and organisation and avoidance of ambiguity, and in Japanese societys preferred long-term approach to Time Orientation. Conclusion While links can be drawn between each countrys unique cultural dimensions and its approach to management, care should be taken when applying such knowledge. As with any sweeping generalisations, there are many exceptions to the rule. However, such generalisations can still be useful as Lewis (2000) notes, ââ¬Å"Determining national characteristics is treading a minefield of inaccurate assessment and surprising exceptionâ⬠¦there is, however, such a thing as a national normâ⬠(Lewis, 2000, p3). So while not every Japanese manager will be modest, self-effacing and open to collaborative decision making; or every Chinese manager autocratic and avoiding of conflict; or every American manager highly competitive and performance-focused; such archetypes are generally successful in each area of cultural context, and the conscientiousness manager would do well to keep these national differences in mind while dealing with one of the aforementioned nations. References Benedict, R (1967), The Chrysanthemum and the Sword: Patterns of Japanese Culture, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, Boston Clammer, J (2011), Contemporary Urban Japan, John Wiley and Sons, Oxford Ding, D, Fields, D and Akhtar, S (1997), ââ¬ËAn empirical study of human resource management policies and practices in foreign-invested enterprises in China: the case of Shenzen Special Economic Zone, The International Journal of Human Resource Management, Volume 8, Issue 5, pg 595-613 Gallant, M (2013), The Business of Culture: How Culture Affects Management Around the World [Online], Available; [Accessed 21st May 2014] Gibbons, R and Waldman, M (1999), ââ¬ËA Theory of Wage and Promotion Dynamics Inside Firms, The Quarterly Journal of Economics, Volume 144, Issue 4, pg 1321-1358 Hofstede, G (2001), Cultures Consequences: Comparing Values, Behaviours, Institut ions and Organisations across Nations, SAGE Publications, New York Hofstede, G and Minkov, M (2010), Cultures and Organizations: Software of the Mind, McGraw-Hill, New York Jenkins, A (2001), Companies Use of Psychometric Testing and the Changing Demand for Skills: A Review of the Literature, [Online], Available; [Accessed 21st May 2014] Laurent, A (2006), ââ¬ËThe Cross-Cultural Puzzle of International Human Resource Management, Human Resource Management, Volume 25, Issue 1, pg 91-102 Lawler, E (1992), ââ¬ËA Skill-Based Approach to Human Resource Management, European Management Journal, Volume 10, Issue 4, pg 383-391 Lewis, R (2000), When Cultures Collide: Managing Successfully Across Cultures, Nicholas Brealey Publishing, London Lockett, M (1988), ââ¬ËCulture and the Problems of Chinese Management, Organisation Studies, Volume 914, pg 475 496 Martinson, M and Davison, R (2005), ââ¬ËStrategic decision making and support systems: Comparing American, Japanese and Chinese management, Decision Support Systems, Volume 43, pg 284 300 Morris, T and Pinnington, A (2012), ââ¬ËPromotion to Partner in Professional Service Firms, Human Relations, Volume 51, January, pg 3-24 Osland, G (1990), ââ¬ËDoing Business in China: A Framework for Cross-cultural Understanding, Marketing Intelligence and Planning, Volume 8, Issue 4, pg 4-14 Suzuki, N (1986), ââ¬ËMid-Career Crisis in Japanese Business Organisations, Journal of Management Development, Volume 5, issue 5, pg 23-32 Totman, C (2005), A History of Japan, Blackwell Publishing, Oxford Yum, J (2009), The impact of Confucianism on interpersonal relationships and communication patterns in east Asia, [Online], Available; [Accessed 21st May 2014]
Tuesday, June 2, 2020
A Psychoanalysis of Edgar Allan Poeââ¬â¢s ââ¬ÅLigeiaââ¬Â and ââ¬ÅThe Fall of the House of Usherââ¬Â - Literature Essay Samples
Often, the elements of the mind and past developments play a key role in understanding events and writings. In Edgar Allan Poeââ¬â¢s short stories ââ¬Å"Ligeiaâ⬠and ââ¬Å"The Fall of the House of Usher,â⬠Poe crafts tales that reveal the inner cravings that motivate action and perception. In ââ¬Å"Ligeia,â⬠Poe orchestrates his story to comment on his own family history as well as to demonstrate the intricate elements of a mother to child relationship. His themes of love and obsession suggest an Oedipus complex in his narrator which creates a further convoluted story that demonstrates the complexity of family. Additionally, Poeââ¬â¢s three characters in ââ¬Å"The Fall of the House of the Usherâ⬠represent the three elements of the human mind: the id, ego, and superego. This demonstration of psychoanalytic motivation explains the functions of the mind and suggests the strength of desire. Edgar Allan Poe led a tumultuous life filled with loss. At a very young age Poe lost his mother, and while still in his youth, Poeââ¬â¢s foster mother died. This tragic life lead Poe to have a strong craving for motherly love which can be seen in his literary works (Jones 446). In Edgar Allan Poeââ¬â¢s ââ¬Å"Ligeia,â⬠Poe creates a form of the Oedipus complex between the narrator and his wives. Although the story does not involve a mother and son relationship, Poe creates a mother-and-child-like relationship between the narrator and both his wives. Poe uses themes of obsessions and jouvenial word repetition in reference to the narrator to emphasize the womenââ¬â¢s roles as motherly figures. Through the characterization of Ligeia and Rowena, Poe depicts a loving, interesting mother and an uninvolved, careless mother. This dynamic stems from Poeââ¬â¢s unresolved difficulties with his own parents and implies the complexity of the relationship between a mother and son. Throughout the story the narrator assignes himself childlike qualities asserting his role as the child in his and his wifeââ¬â¢s relationship. When talking about Ligeias vast knowledge he explains that, ââ¬Å"[I] resign myself, with a child-like confidence, to her guidanceâ⬠(Poe 8). This is a very common feeling of trust for a child to have towards their mother, but does not depict the traditional standings of a husband and wife. Later, after Ligeias death, the narrator admits that, ââ¬Å"Without Ligeia I was but as a child groping benightedâ⬠(Poe 12). The speaker explains his complete dependence upon Ligeia just as a child must completely depend on its mother to sustain its life. The narrator continues, stating again that he ââ¬Å"gave way, with a child-like perversityâ⬠(Poe 13) This repetition of the word child in reference to the narrator portrays the dynamic of the relationship and implies that the narrator relates to his wife the way a child relates to hi s mother. The narrator is dependent on Ligeia and needs her guidance. The speaker expresses feelings of obsessions and clinginess towards the motherly figure, which Freud explains as the beginning steps of the Oedipus complex. When describing Ligeia, the narrator uses words such as ââ¬Å"majesty,â⬠unequalled beauty, and ââ¬Å"spirit lifting visionâ⬠(Poe 3). These words reflect strong adoration and suggest that the narrator views Ligeia as somewhat divine. This description closely aligns with Freudââ¬â¢s view of how children view their parents. A child sees its mother with unwavering love and supernatural qualities. The narrator associates himself with youthful language and respects Ligeia as a child would a mother asserting his role and emphasizing Poeââ¬â¢s allusion to the complexity of family dynamic. An additional element that suggests the narrator and his wifeââ¬â¢s relationship represents a mother to son relationship is found in the first line of the text . The speaker admits that ââ¬Å"I cannot, for my soul, remember how, when, or even precisely where, I first became acquainted with the lady Ligeiaâ⬠(Poe 2). This is a very odd sentiment to express about a wife, yet a very natural relationship to have with a mother. Individuals can not recount the moment they met their mother, yet nearly everyone has a meaningful story that describes meeting their significant other. This oddity suggests that a traditional relationship does not exist between the narrator and his wife but rather one of maternal influence.Once establishing this relationship, it is clear that Ligeia represents a preferable mother while Rowena represents negligence. When describing Ligeia, the narrator spends paragraphs praising every feature of Ligeia, but when referring to Rowena, the speaker explains ââ¬Å"that she shunned me and loved me but littleâ⬠(Poe 21). This dynamic strongly references Poeââ¬â¢s relationship with his foster mother. Lorine Pruett e, writer in A Psycho-Analytical Study of Edgar Allan Poe expresses that, ââ¬Å"[Poeââ¬â¢s] foster mother provided his wants but seemed in no way to have satisfied his passionate desire for love and approvalâ⬠(Pruette 378). Poe grew up yearning for the relationship an approval of a caring mother and projects these feelings of inadequacy and abandonment into his writing. Using characterization, Poe demonstrates feelings of obsessive love as well as feelings of neglect which alludes to Poeââ¬â¢s own feelings about the motherly figures of his childhood. Poe expresses a confused view of maternal relationships playing into Freudââ¬â¢s beliefs about children having feelings of love, jealousy, and obsession towards their mothers. Just as the characterââ¬â¢s actions and feelings in ââ¬Å"Ligeiaâ⬠draw upon the functions of the human mind and instinct as explained by Freud, the motivations of the character in Poeââ¬â¢s ââ¬Å"The Fall of the House of Usherâ⬠can be explained by Freudââ¬â¢s belief that the mind is made up of the id, ego and superego. The narrator, upon approaching the house explains that, ââ¬Å"with the first glimpse of the building, a sense of insufferable gloom pervaded my spiritâ⬠(Poe 3). This house represents its tenants, and the narratorââ¬â¢s aversion to the dark, gloomy house is based in the fact that the narrator embodies opposing qualities such as goodness and morality. This characterization implies that the narrator is the superego and symbolizes the unconscious part of the brain which psychologists describes as the ââ¬Å"system within the total psyche developedâ⬠¦ by incorporating moral standards of societyâ⬠(Strunk 318). The narrator represents societal rules established about goodness and opposes selfish desires. The juxtaposing element of the unconscious mind is the id which is defined as,ââ¬Å"the division of the psyche from which blind, impersonal, instinctual impulses that lead t o immediate gratification of primitive needsâ⬠(Strunk 317). This portion of the mind is represented by Madeline and represents instinctual, selfish desires. Although her physical character is seen in the story very little, the malignant effect Madeline has had on her brother, Roderick, is very evident throughout the entirety of the tale. Roderick is the owner of the house and represents the ego or conscious part of the mind. The ego regulates between the id and superego, balancing innate desires with social morality. In Poeââ¬â¢s ââ¬Å"The Fall of the House of Usher,â⬠Poe constructs a story where the id has taken control of the ego leading to complete demise. Roderick represents an individual whose id has dominated his superego. At the beginning of the story, the narrator of the tale and superego, has received a letter of, ââ¬Å"wildly importunate natureâ⬠that expressed Roderickââ¬â¢s sickness and, ââ¬Å"earnest desire to seeâ⬠the narrator in person (Poe 4). This implies that Roderick has been overwhelmed by his id and is now slipping into sickness and defeat. In an effort to create balance and save himself, Roderick invites the narrator to compensate for the effects of Madeline. Once the narrator reaches the house, Roderick explains, ââ¬Å"that much of the peculiar gloom which thus afflicted him could be traced toâ⬠¦ [his] tenderly beloved sisterâ⬠(Poe 10). This further portrays that Roderickââ¬â¢s id is represented by his sister, Madeline, who has caused Roderickââ¬â¢s sickly condition. As the story continues, Madeline dies and Roderick and the narrator place the body in a vault (Poe 17). This action symbolizes Roderickââ¬â¢s attempt to rid himself of the id and escape itââ¬â¢s desires. Roderick locks his id away in a natural effort to resist the powers of human desire. In the end, the ego is unable to avoid the idââ¬â¢s grasp on desire which is represented by Madeleineââ¬â¢s grasp on Roderickâ⠬â¢s physical body. Madeline breaks out of her vault, alive, and rushes to Roderick. Madeline collapses and dies causing Roderick to also collapse and die of fright (Poe 25). Madeline is the cause of Rodericks sickness and eventual death representing the idââ¬â¢s ability to take over and destroy the mind. Roderick is unable to elude his innate desires and this kills him. He attempts to compensate by reacquainting himself with his superego but it is too late and Roderick is overcome. Poe assigns overwhelming strength to the darker aspects of the mind and suggests that the id is unable to be buried or resisted by the ego.Both ââ¬Å"Ligeiaâ⬠and ââ¬Å"The Fall of the House of Usherâ⬠as well as many more of Poeââ¬â¢s short stories, center around themes of death and regeneration. These themes derive not only from the death of Poeââ¬â¢s mother and foster mother, but the writer also survived the deaths of his friend Jane Stith Stanard and his wife Virginia Clemm. Poe himself wrote, ââ¬Å"I could not love except where Death / was mingling his with Beautyââ¬â¢s breath.â⬠(Jones 446) This considerable loss inevitably played an emotional role in Poeââ¬â¢s writings. Freud explains that part of humanââ¬â¢s death instinct is a need to express aggression revolving around the emotions of death. This expression can generally take place internally in the form of self-sabotage or externally in the form of violence towards others. Poe demonstrated various forms of aggression towards himself and others throughout his life, but his writing is another form of processing the death instinct detailed by Freud. Despite this preoccupation with death, frequently Poeââ¬â¢s writings about demise are intermixed with some sort of rebirth of life. Pruette explains that this repetition of story theme in Poeââ¬â¢s writing alludes to the idea that Poe believed ââ¬Å"that the dead are not wholly dead to consciousnessâ⬠(Pruette 378) This can be see n in Ligeiaââ¬â¢s take over of Rowena as well as in Madelineââ¬â¢s escape from the vault. In both these cases, character are able to achieve a type of life after death questioning the finality of death. This notion is supported in Freudââ¬â¢s belief that in ââ¬Å"our unconscious we are immortal.â⬠Both these suggestions made by Freud and Poe imply that there is more to the mind than life and death and explain themes of life returning after death in Poeââ¬â¢s work. In Edgar Allan Poeââ¬â¢s ââ¬Å"Ligeiaâ⬠and ââ¬Å"The Fall of the House of Usher,â⬠elements of the mind are displayed through characterization. In ââ¬Å"Ligeiaâ⬠Poe expresses the complicated relationship between mother and child and projects his own feelings of discontentment towards the motherly figures of his life upon the character. Similarly, ââ¬Å"The Fall of the House of Usherâ⬠explores mental elements such as the id, ego and superego portraying the role and strength of each. In both of these works, Poe explores themes of love, life, and death suggesting the complexity of each and illustrating that all are key constructs of the conscious and unconscious mind. Works Cited Freud, Sigmund. ââ¬Å"Our Attitude Towards Death.â⬠II. Our Attitude Towards Death. SigmundFreud. 1918. Reflections on War and Death, 0ADAD,, Llewellyn. ââ¬Å"Psychoanalysis and Creative Literature.â⬠The English Journal, vol. 23, no. 6,1934, pp. 443ââ¬â452. JSTOR, JSTOR.Pruette, Lorine. ââ¬Å"A Psycho-Analytical Study of Edgar Allan Poe.â⬠The American Journal ofPsychology, vol. 31, no. 4, 1920, pp. 370ââ¬â402. JSTOR, JSTOR.Poe, Edgar Allan. Ligeia. Generic NL Freebook Publisher, n.d. EBSCOhost.Poe, Edgar Allan. Fall of the House of Usher. Generic NL Freebook Publisher, n.d. EBSCOhost.Strunk, Orlo. ââ¬Å"Religion, the Id, and the Superego.â⬠Journal of Bible and Religion, vol. 28, no. 3,1960, pp. 317ââ¬â322. JSTOR, JSTOR.
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