Saturday, August 31, 2019
Direct And Indirect Restorations Health And Social Care Essay
Today with the of all time spread outing scope of renewing stuffs the tooth doctor needs to be cognizant of how long these Restorations are likely to last and the possible grounds for failure. This will maximize length of service of Restoration and prevent failure. The tooth doctor must besides hold a cognition of renewing stuffs advantages, disadvantages, indicants and contraindications. All this information will let the tooth doctor to choose the right renewing stuff for specific clinical state of affairss taking to long term clinical endurance of Restorations. Long term endurance of direct and indirect Restorations is dependent on the Restoration non neglecting ââ¬Å" failure occurs when a Restoration reaches a degree of debasement that preludes proper clinical public presentation for either aesthetic or functional grounds of because of inability to forestall new disease â⬠1 Many factors contribute to the failure of a Restoration these include patient, operator and renewing stuff factors. In this literature reappraisal I will turn to the failure of direct and indirect posterior Restorations due to material factors independent of patient and operator factors such as clinical accomplishment degree of operator, tooth place and cavities rate.PurposesWith respect to different stuffs for direct and indirect posterior Restorations I hope to: -Outline failure rates of direct and indirect buttocks Restorations -Outline manners of failure of direct and indirect buttocks Restorations -Outline briefly some advantages, disadvantages, indicants and contraindications of direct and indirect posterior Restorations. -Outline in some instances the factors that operators should see toreduce failure rates -Compare long term endurance of direct V indirect posterior Restoration failureDirect posterior RestorationsBoth amalgam and rosin complexs are indicated as direct category 1 and 2 posterior RestorationsDirect buttocks amalgamAmalgam is one of the most normally used renewing stuffs worldwide in posterior direct Restoration today. Amalgam does n't bond to tooth construction, contains quicksilver and is non aesthetic, but its low cost, straightforward managing process, rapid application and good path record of clinical public presentation in the past mean it continues to be the most convenient renewing stuff in posterior dentitions. In recent old ages at that place has been a diminution in its popularity due to public wellness concerns over its quicksilver content. Failure of amalgams can be every bit high as 6 % at seven old ages. 1 Failure of amalgam is chiefly due to 1. Secondary cavities 2. Tooth break 3. Gross amalgam break 4. Fringy dislocation Secondary cavities has been found to be the most common cause for amalgam failure accounting for 66 % of all failures in amalgam Restorations at seven years.1 Operative technique is of importance in bar of secondary cavities as taint of the readying by blood and spit, hapless matrix technique and hapless condensation lead to hapless adaptation of Restoration to the pit wall and overhangs which predispose to secondary cavities this can do Restoration failure due to tooth break and fringy breakdown.2 Tooth break can besides do amalgam failure. Amalgam does n't bond to tooth construction and therefore does n't reenforce the tooth, it is simply infinite filler and the tooth itself is weakened. It has been found that the bigger the Restoration including deepness and facial linguistic width the more likely the tooth is to fracture.3The ability of a tooth with an amalgam Restoration to defy break can be increased by fixing the enamel borders at an angle greater or equal to 90 degrees.4 This is because the enamel rods in the occlusal country of enamel are approximately parallel to the long axis of the tooth.5 it should be noted that defects like subsurface clefts formed during pit readying contribute significantly to early Restoration failure.6 It has been found that increased cusp break rates are linked to higher figure of surfaces restored increased patient age.7 Amalgam failure can besides originate as a consequence of gross amalgam break. This has been shown to account for about 33 % amalgam failures in one study.1 Amalgam has a low tensile strength which predisposes it to fracture particularly in load bearing countries. 1 Operator can cut down the opportunity of failure by holding pit readyings of equal deepness ( 2mm ) and by making circular internal line angles.8 Marginal dislocation of amalgam can take to failure. Incorrect cavo-surface angle can bring forth fringy surface dislocation and can take to secondary cavities doing failure. Marginal dislocation besides occurs as a consequence of delayed enlargement of amalgam but the add-on of Zn and big sums cooper to amalgam to increase mechanical belongingss has besides lead to a lessening in fringy break and longer service by the Restoration. 9 It should be noted that fringy dislocation of an amalgam is n't a unequivocal diagnosing of secondary cavities or failure of an amalgam. Surveies have shown that secondary cavities is merely present in about 58 % of amalgams with ditched margins.10Direct posterior Resin CompositesResin complexs are non presently the Restoration of pick for posterior dentitions because they are expensive, extremely technique sensitive, take more clip to topographic point and their clinical path record of clinical public presentation has n't been every bit good as amalgam in the yesteryear. This state of affairs is altering as the public becomes more concerned by aesthetics and the wellness hazards associated with the quicksilver in amalgam. Resin complex is besides deriving popularity in the profession as the adhering systems improve and as the thought of conserving tooth construction becomes more of import. Failure of rosin complexs can be every bit high as 14 % at 7 old ages in posterior teeth.1 Assuming the right type of composite was chosen e.g. intercrossed or conventional. Failure of complexs is chiefly due to 1. Secondary cavities 2. Gross rosin composite break With wear, tooth break and staining causing failure of a little per centum of rosin complexs. Secondary cavities has been found to be the most common cause of rosin composite failure accounting for 88 % of failures at seven years.1 However in another survey secondary cavities was found to be 2nd to tooth break at 6 old ages after which it became the primary ground for failure between 6-17 years.11 The chief ground for this is due to polymerization shrinking on scene of the rosin complex which can run 2.6 to 7.1 % 12 this can organize a fringy spread particularly in dentine where bonding is n't as strong which can take to an immersion bacterium ( microleakage ) which can do secondary cavities. The hazard for secondary cavities besides increases with time11 and with the size of the cavity.1 The operator can cut down polymerisation shrinking and perchance secondary cavities by utilizing the incremental remedy technique. Gross rosin composite break is responsible for high per centum of rosin composite failures accounting for 12 % of failures at 7 years.1 Resin complex is a brickle stuff and hence tensile strength is dependent on surface coating. It is for this ground that we ever look at diametric tensile strength as a mention to fracture opposition. Its diametric tensile strength is low and as a consequence rosin complexs are prone to fracture.13 The break opposition is extremely dependent on filler burden of rosin complex with higher filler lading increasing break resistance14 so it is really of import operator chooses of a rosin complex with a high filler burden. Tooth break does n't account for a important proportion of rosin composite failure this is due to the fact that rosin complexs bond to tooth construction and reenforce it against fracture.15 Wear is merely a factor for failure in bruxers in which instance you likely would n't utilize resin composite if it was traveling to be subjected to high emphasiss. Colour is besides no longer a major issue for failure with one survey describing 94 % of rosin complex with acceptable coloring materials lucifer to adjacent dentitions after 17 years.16 This has besides improved with reduced aminoalkanes in the rosin complexs taking to less yellowing. It should be noted that alot of surveies of rosin complexs included older rosin complexs which dont reflect the current rosin complexs in usage which have improved bonding which will take to reduced failure in future surveies.Indirect buttocks inlays and onlaysIndirect rosin complex, gold and ceramic inlays are indicated as indirect category 1 and 2 posterior Restorations. Indirect rosin complex, gold and ceramic onlays are indicated as indirect category 1 and 2 posterior Restorations affecting one or more cusps.Indirect posterior rosin complex inlays/onlaysIndirect inlays and onlays were developed as an aesthetic option for medium and big posterior Restorations. This was done to get the better of some of the jobs associated with direct posterior Restorations. These Restorations are expensive and clip devouring to put but they have distinguishable advantages over direct posterior Restorations which aim to cut down failure. Such advantages include: 1. They have improved proximal contacts as they are developed outside the oral cavity and even if wrong can be adjusted easy. 2. They have decreased polymerization shrinking as it occurs outside the oral cavity. The lone polymerisation shrinking which occurs in oral cavity is of the double cured resin cement on cementation. This decreases microleakage and increases the strength of these restorations.17 No statistical differences in success rates at 5 old ages was seen between these and direct buttocks restorations.18 With respects to failure of these Restorations, in one study19 the failure rate of indirect rosin composite inlays and onlays was 5 % at 4-6 old ages. Fracture of the tooth or fringy ridge, and secondary cavities are the most common manners of failure, with increased failure being seen with increased Restoration size. Loss of fringy adaptation, coloring material and anatomical signifier were besides seen but did non do Restoration failure. In another study20 a failure rate of 6 % at 1 twelvemonth was seen. Failure was due to secondary cavities and loss of mush verve. Again loss of anatomical signifier and fringy adaptation were seen but did non do failure of Restorations. The operator must guarantee round internal line angles and deepness of 2mm. Depth of less than 2mm can do bulk break of Restoration particularily in onlays.Indirect posterior ceramic inlays/onlaysIndirect ceramic inlays/onlays are extremely aesthetic and biocompatible indirect posterior Restorations. They have the same indicants and advantages as indirect posterior rosin composite inlays/onlays but are more expensive and are seen as less user friendly. There is a really strong bond between the rosin cement and the porelain doing it a better stuff for an onlay than rosin complex. Ceramic Restorations have the potency to have on the opposing dentitions, for this ground the operator should n't utilize them for patients with parafuntion and teeth under high emphasiss. Loss of anatomical signifier is non a job with these Restorations. In one study21 eight out of 50 of the Restorations failed due to fracture at 3 old ages it was found that accommodation to the fitting surface and polished surfaces seemed to predispose to failure. Another 6 twelvemonth study22 found failure rate of 12 % with rosin cement and 26.3 % with gic adhering techniques. Partial break and secondary cavities were the most common grounds for failure. It was besides noted that there was increased ditching in ceramic Restoration which is likely due to differing wear rate between ceramic and tooth. Operator must guarantee equal deepness and unit of ammunition internal line angles. The operator must ever do certain that with ceramic Restorations there is contact merely in maximal intercuspation and non in inframaxillary digressive motions.Indirect posterior gold inlays/onlaysPosterior cast gilded inlays and onlays have an first-class clinical path record. These Restorations have first-class wear opposition, do n't have on the opposing dentition and have high strength. They have the same indicants and contraindications as other inlays and onlays with the exclusion that they can be used in high emphasis countries, for illustration they can be used in bruxers. The disadvantage with this type of Restoration is they are expensive, can do hypersensitivity reactions and they are n't aesthetic. Posterior cast gilded inlays weaken the staying tooth construction and can take to cusp break. The chief manner of failure of these Restorations is secondary cavities and tooth break. One survey showed a failure rate of 14.3 % at 10 old ages with 2 and 3 surface Restorations holding lower failure rates that one surface restorations.24 When making these Restorations, particularily in bruxers, the operator must ne'er put occlusal contact at enamel/gold border, contacts must be in enamel or gold merely.Indirect buttocks CrownsCast gold metal CrownsAll metal Crowns are by and large made in the signifier of full coverage cast gilded Crown. This type of Restoration has been around for over 100 old ages and has a repute for giving the longest service of any dental restoration.25 These Restorations are really strong and biocompatible. The readying of full gold Crown is the most conservative of the full coverage Crowns, and unlike ceramic Crowns they cause no wear of opposing dentitions. Their chief drawback is their high cost and deficiency of aesthetics. These Restorations are used in dentition with extended tooth construction loss, root canal treated dentitions and due to its hig h strength they can be placed in bruxers. The chief cause of failure for these Restorations is wear of the metal and secondary caries.26 These Restoration seldom fail by break and tend to protect tooth construction. Surveies have shown that these Restorations have the longest endurance rates and conversely the lowest failure rates of any dental Restoration. One long term survey showed a failure rate every bit low as 4.6 % 27 while another study28 reported a 32 % failure of these Restorations over 10 old ages. Interestingly this survey reported increased failure of dramatis personae gold Crown in root treated dentitions. The operator must maintain in head opposition and keeping when fixing the tooth for these types of Restorations.All ceramic CrownsAll ceramic Crown usage in posterior dentition is increasing all the clip. This tendency will go on as patient ââ¬Ës concern with aesthetics additions and development of improved strength in ceramics continues. These Restorations are extremely aesthetic, less expensive than othe r crown options and biocompatible. Unfortunately all ceramic Crowns have a non conservative tooth readying, have really low tensile strength and cause wear of opposing dentitions and as a consequence should non be used in bruxers or in dentitions which undergo high biting forces as they will necessarily neglect. These Restoration are typically merely used posteriorly teeth with loss of tooth construction or which have been root treated. In both instances they can merely be used where aesthetics are paramount and they wont be subjected to high emphasiss. The failure of Thursdaies Restoration in posterior dentition is the highest for all crown Restorations. Current grounds even suggests that clinicians should n't utilize all ceramic Restorations in molars.29 Failure of these Restorations is due to secondary cavities and break of the crown Restoration. One survey showed a failure rate of 0.8 % .30 Another survey reported a 6 % failure in all ceramic Restorations after 3 years.31 Neither of these surveies are longterm survey and the were set in private pattern with individual tooth doctors transporting out work. Possibly their exceeding clinical accomplishment led to such high consequences because in a long term survey over 10 old ages in general alveolar consonant services the failure rate was 52 % . This was higher that gold or ceramometal by a big fraction.28 Just like dramatis personae metal crowns the failure rate is increased in root treated dentitions.Porcelain fussed to metal CrownsPorcelain fused to metal Crowns are the most co mmon signifier of Crown used in dental medicine. They combine the strength of the dramatis personae metal with the aesthetics of porcelain. Their chief disadvantage is their disbursal and the fact they wear opposing dentitions so they cant be used in bruxers. Their biocompatibility is besides questionable as a little per centum of people can hold hypersensitivy reactions to the metal. It is true to state that porcelain fused to metal hold comparatively long term service.32 When they fail it is normally due to recurrent cavities or break of porcelain from the metal understructure.33 One survey showed failure of 38 % at 10 years.28 The rate of failure is increased with root treated teeth as was seen with the other two types of Crowns.DecisionWhile Is have o
Friday, August 30, 2019
Pre-Writing/Invention Strategies Essay
Applying the pre-reading strategies upon reading the article ââ¬Å"A Rescue at U. N. Headquarters, as Others Wait and Hopeâ⬠by the New York Times, can make the central message clearer to the reader. The title and the heading provide an insight to the content of the essay; which is primarily the first visit of United Nations secretary general, Ban Ki-moon, on Haiti after the devastating earthquake hit the country. Skimming on the essay conveyed the inevitable scarcity of food in the place, plus the rescuersââ¬â¢ nationalism ideals on their effort rescues. Skimming the essay provided insights that opened issues on importance of food and medical assistance to the victims of the earthquake. This makes a wider topic on the issues that must be tackled with regards to the mishap. After reading the essay and gaining queries and facts on the writing task, one must now apply the different pre-writing strategies to make the desired composition. Pre-writing strategies vary and may be referred to as free-writing, brainstorming, clustering, tagmemics, and journalistic technique (Pre-Writing Strategies, 2005). I used the brainstorming technique to particularly list all the elements and ideas that might be useful in making an essay about my insights, but the unorganized bulleted form might not be very helpful in making a cohesive essay. On the other hand, in the clustering strategy, the central topic could be the scarcity of food and medical assistance to the victims, and other sub-topics are written in smaller circles connected to the central point. This is effective as it provides a clearer and more organized flow of ideas for the desired essay. Conclusively though, it is advantageous to apply the journalistic technique to further broaden the essay. In this strategy, the six important questions; who, what, when, where, why, and how are discussed. By answering these questions, the author is ensured that the most important information about an event, issue, or problem is addressed to the readers. References English 090: Basic Reading and Writing. (2005) Pre-Writing Strategies. Retrieved July 12, 2010 from http://faculty. ncwc. edu/lakirby/English%20090/prewriting strategies. htm
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Article Review Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Article Review - Term Paper Example Health related issues are under constant research and scrutiny. In order to present a point of view regarding health it is imperative to present it with proper data. Many articles are published in different journals, magazines and newspapers regarding health. It is difficult to keep track of all and it is equally difficult for the writers to get the attention of the readers. In order to be a good article it is necessary for the writer to present facts and figure in as simple language as possible. The article under review was authored by Peter P. Egeghy, Rogelio Tornero-Velez, and Stephen M. Rappaport, who are part of the Department of Environmental Sciences and Engineering at the School of Public Health, University of North Carolina ââ¬â Chapel Hill. The study, entitled ââ¬Å"Environmental and Biological Monitoring of Benzene during Self-Service Automobile Refuelingâ⬠, was an attempt to quantify benzene exposure and uptake in the general public. The purpose of the article i s to create awareness among the people regarding Benzene exposure. It is a serious public health concern but the data regarding the health hazards are not available. It is also an attempt to educate the people how to avoid exposure to Benzene. The writers have presented their arguments in logical sequence. They are able to support their arguments with facts and figures. In order to obtain these facts the authors have adopted the self-administered monitoring technique. First of all they have discussed the amount of Benzene and its source. After this they have discussed about the effects of Benzene and how people are exposed to it. They have selected people most exposed to the Benzene and provided them with kits for collection of data. The details of the kit are given in order to make the study authentic and reliable. The writers have also compared the kits used in the study with other kits. They have conducted their study during July 1998 and March 1999 and samples were collected in three different seasons excluding winter season. The details about the subjects are also given in order to make the study more reliable and trustworthy. For making data more reliable the repeated measurements were taken. The process of conditioning the data and analysis are mentioned in detail. This detail includes the usage of different procedures and different apparatuses at different levels. This detail is supported by giving data in tables and charts. These details are helpful for experts and students. They also give authentication to the study. Form this writers come to the result obtained after the procedures adopted. First they give the sampling rate of Benzene in passive monitors used during the kit. Then they have given the detail of CO2 content in breath samples. The writers have also shown the data for the stability of the samples and the concentration level. After this the writers have mentioned about the variations among subjects and within subject. This is followed by the quantity of Benzene in breath and Benzene exposure. This is followed by the evaluation and estimate of the study by the writers. Under the heading of discussion the writers have discussed different aspects of their study and compared it with other conventional studies. They have acknowledged the fact that their study was simple but remarkably the results they have found are very close to other studies conducted. This portion is important as here the writers have
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Environmental Report (Shell) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Environmental Report (Shell) - Essay Example In the United States, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is in charge of making sure industry is compliant with standards set into law. On the worldwide scale some developing countries do not have any guidelines, where as European Union and the United Kingdom do. European Union is responsible for a host of regulations that reduce greenhouse gas emission, preserve bio diversity, protect water supply and impose stiff fines for non compliance. The United Kingdom also has its own sets of rules and regulations, also enforced by fines for non-compliance. The International Standards Organization (ISO) has developed ISO 14000 and particularly ISO 14001 pertains to development and reporting sustainability of a company. ISO 14001 is a voluntary guideline that is compatible with the EU environmental management auditing standard (EMAS). This is one complexity that faces all companies that are trying to develop environmental sustainability. Developing a company that is both environmentally friendly and sustainable is the trend of the times in which the world finds itself these days. Shell is a worldwide company that has accepted this challenge of sustainability and reducing its impact on environments in which it operates. Herein is a brief overview of environmental management systems and environmental performance measure that make up a sustainable company. Thereafter evaluations of which systems have Shell put in to place, followed by a comparison of Shell with one of its competitorââ¬â¢s programs to evaluate how well Shell is in becoming an environmentally friendly and sustainable company. First there will be a discussion of sustainable development, environmental management systems (EMSs) and environmental policy management (EPMs). What is sustainable development? Sustainable development refers to using resources in such a way that fulfill our human needs today as well as save the environment from detrimental
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Entrepreneurship joint venture Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Entrepreneurship joint venture - Assignment Example Contents Abstract 1 Contents 2 Introduction 3 Importance of venture and Working capital 4 Forms of business finance 4 Advantages and disadvantages of Venture Capital as source of finance 5 Salient issues around venture capitalists 6 Conclusion and recommendations 7 References 7 Introduction Venture capital is a form of financing that is widely used by small, medium, and large enterprises in economy. Venture capital is also referred to as equity financing owing to the fact that it addresses the financing needs of a firm in exchange of stake in the firm in question. This form of equity financing is often pursued by firms, which do not have the capacity to seek financing from other traditional financing modes like those sourced through the banks and public markets. It is worth noting that there are other forms of financing options, which the business can decide to explore to cater for its growth strategy and other operations (Mclaney & Atrill, 2006). Such options include loans from bank s, debentures, ownerââ¬â¢s capital, and grant finance. Importance of venture and Working capital Venture and working capital are critical for any form of business that is starting up. The business under focus in this case is a beverage company known as Thasta (Mclaney & Atrill, 2006). The company by its nature needs both venture and working capital to realize increased business performance. ... sound working capital, it is important that the business possess an aggressive credit policy besides ensuring that there is operational efficiency at the facility (Mclaney & Atrill, 2006). On the other hand, it is important to take note that venture capital is equally important for the startup of the business because it does not affect the liquidity of a business. A business that is just starting operations rarely has revenue hence may not be able to afford loans or debenture leaving venture capital option as the best option for the company since it does not involve any financial obligations. It is worth noting that with regard to venture capital the various operations and projects of the company are financed in exchange for the shares of the company. Forms of business finance Apart from the venture capital, there exist other forms of capital, which include loans, debentures, ownerââ¬â¢s capital, and grants. Loans are funds, which are advanced to the business by financial institut ions such as Banks. According to Mclaney and Atrill (2006), it is worth noting that loans attract interest over and above the principal amount. The business must therefore ensure that it regularly repays the principal amount and accruing interest. A debenture is yet another form of business financing option, which is available to the business. According to Mclaney and Atrill (2006), debentures are loan stocks, which are given subject to a trust deed. The debentures can be either redeemable or irredeemable. The firms can also raise capital for the expansion projects of the firm through equity shares. The only downside to equity shares is that it reduces the shareholding capacity of the company. Mclaney and Atrill (2006) say that grant is another form of financing option, which the firm can
Monday, August 26, 2019
Health Implications and Identifying Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Health Implications and Identifying - Essay Example The article stresses the role of the nurses in preventing the health impact on the vulnerable groups. Many victims of human trafficking are at risk of living with mental and physical health problems. The health problems that they experience will not stop as a result of lack of awareness of the health impact of trafficking and the sensitivity of the subject. In order to help save the victims of trafficking it is important for nurses to understand the intricacies of human trafficking and its impact on the victims. Notably, the nurse must strive to uncover hidden signs and symptoms of prospective victims of human trafficking to provide the necessary assistance. This will entail asking them the right questions that will go a long way to revealing their nature of work and further help liberate them from bondage. The journal by Eccleston (2013) presents a case of identifying the victims of human trafficking with an aim of establishing the health impact they face. There is a need to protect the victims of human trafficking from the evident health consequences. Health care workers, such as nurses fail to understand the signs and impact of human trafficking on the health of the victims. Besides, insufficient studies are conducted to establish the health impact of these victims of human trafficking. This is rooted in the sensitivity of the subject. Human trafficking is commonly an abusive process where the victims are forced or abducted fraudulently. The abduction is also through deception or by use of power, drugging and exploitation for numerous purposes, such as prostitution, drug peddling or enslavement/forced labour. The victims of trafficking are physically abused, placed in confinement, threatened or denied access to their travel documents. These victims may be psychologically affected as a result of the denial of basic needs, humiliation,
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Investment management strategies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Investment management strategies - Essay Example The correlation coefficient between the daily stock return in each portfolio is also calculated and combined with the standard deviations in a covariance matrix to calculate the variance and standard deviation for each portfolio. Sensitivity analysis is also carried out by changing the weights of each stock in the portfolio to see how the performance changes. The variance and thus the standard deviation are far more difficult to calculate because the variance of a portfolio is not simply a weighted average of the individual variances of the stocks included in the portfolio except for the special case where the individual stock returns are uncorrelated with one another. The variance for a two stock portfolio is given by: We need to set up a covariance matrix to bordered covariance matrix to be able to calculate the 1variance and standard deviation for a portfolio of more than two stocks. For a three stock portfolio the bordered covariance matrix can be written as follows (Bodie et al., 2002): The portfolio variance is calculated from the above nine terms by multiplying the bordered weights by the corresponding covariance and then summing the different terms. The standard deviation is calculated by taking the square root of the variance. From the table above, the variance is given by: (3) and the standard deviation of the portfolio is given by: (4) The covariance matrix in table 1 above can be extended to any number of stocks. Haven discussed how to calculate the expected return on portfolio, the variance and standard deviation; we now apply the above models to the U.S and Australian portfolios. Std. Dev (%) Ave Ret (%) Citi Group Inc. 3.58 -0.03 American Express 2.99 0.26 Motorola Inc 2.25 -0.30 Boeing Co. 1.85 -0.38 McDonalds Corp 1.45 -0.44 Coca Cola 0.91 -0.34 Table two above show the standard deviation and average return of each of the stocks included in the U.S portfolio over the period under study (details of the calculations are found in the attached excel file). To be able to calculate the covariance between the different stocks, we need to know the correlation coefficients between the different stocks. We use the correlation function in Excel to calculate the correlation coefficient between the different stocks. Doing this we obtain the following correlation matrix for the different stocks: Table 2: Correlation matrix (U.S Portfolio) Citigroup Inc. American Express Motorola Inc Boeing Co. McDonalds Corp Coca Cola Citi Group Inc. 1.00 0.90 0.54 0.74 0.78 0.25 American Express 0.90 1.00 0.64 0.78 0.87 0.34 Motorola Inc 0.54 0.64 1.00 0.37 0.53 0.23 Boeing Co. 0.74 0.78 0.37 1.00 0.72 0.16 McDonalds Corp 0.78 0.87 0.53 0.72 1.00 0.31 Coca Cola Co. 0.25 0.34 0.23 0.16 0.31 1.00 To obtain the covariance matrix we use the following formula formula to calculate the
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Critically discuss the development of green and ethical accounting Essay
Critically discuss the development of green and ethical accounting practices as a new accounting discipline - Essay Example 36). Anticipations of high principles of ethical corporate conduct are rising as corporations face economic and legal penalties for pursuing illegal and unethical practices. Businesses cause environmental degradation, which have negative impacts on society. Environmental degradation is an ethical concern among businesses and society. As a result, businesses have developed corporate strategies in order to address the growing concern of unethical behavior such as environmental degradation (Gowthorpe & Blake 1998, p. 178). This paper seeks to discuss the development of environmental and ethical bookkeeping practices as a new bookkeeping discipline. Green and Ethical Accounting Practices The advantage of corporate environmental bookkeeping initiative is recognized the capability, to establish and create consciousness regarding expenditures related to surroundings, which in turn assists in identifying the methods for avoiding and reducing such costs. This corporate environmental initiativ e has assisted in the improvement of the environment. The ecological costs that arise as a result of the financial results of a companyââ¬â¢s operation may be established by means of environmental bookkeeping tool. The operational performance of an organization may be established with an aid of certain processes such as documentation and exposure of emissions of conservatory gases (Farouk, Cherian & Jacob 2012, p. 37). Aronson and Lofgren (2010, p. 21) argue that society commends for the ecological responsible conduct from businesses and government by investigating the environmental degradation and tragedies of worldââ¬â¢s ecosystem. Businesses are given this responsibility by the society for solving the ethical troubles by considering either preserving the environment or promoting their profit. Wells (2013, p. 13) argues that there ought to be homogeneous and quantitative measures with an aim of controlling the business activities polluting the surroundings before executing a condition in which businesses are required to clean the effluence emitted by them. It is better preventing environmental degradation rather than avoiding since most of the ecological damages may not be restructured. Wells (2013, p. 18) recommends the establishment of environmental bookkeeping system in order to avert environmental degradation. The system deems the monetary measures, which have an impact on energy generation and utilization on environment. As a result of the process, the energy plant that highly affects natural resources is deemed and consequent actions needed are conducted. He also recommends that ethical predicaments may be resolved when ecological stewardship is put in terms of monetary way, and that achieves extra significance from business. The significance of the ecological predicaments has been augmented, as a result, of the continuous degradation of ecosystem and increasing ecological tragedies. Schaltergger & Burritt (2000, p. 44) argues that in order to en tail ecological predicaments in normal life it is imperative to consider these predicaments with respect to legal, technical, economic, financial and accounting levels. In view of the ecological factors in terms of the economy for instance costs of products and services,
Visual Analysis Assessment Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Visual Analysis Assessment - Assignment Example She is standing sideways with her hands akimbo. There is a telephone to the left of Mr. Clark and next to the telephone is a sculpture in the shape of a flower. . There is a table in front of Mrs. Clark with a yellow book and a vase full of lilies sitting on it. Green shutters frame the door through which a balcony is visible from behind Mr. and Mrs. Clarke. Beyond the balcony is a house and the top branches of trees are visible creating the idea that the couple were painted on the first or second floor (Hockney, 2001). There is a painting on the wall behind Mrs. Clark. The details of the painting are not very clear but one can see buildings with water on the foreground. The three-dimensional aspect of the painting creates a perspective that creates space. The painting is divided into three sections: foreground, middle and background. The foreground consists of the table, the vase, white lily flowers and the yellow book. The cat (named Percy), Mr. and Mrs. Clark, the telephone and the Indian art are placed in the middle. The background entails the outside world as seen through the open door, the paintings on the wall behind Mrs. Clark and the rest of the wall. The carpet joins the foreground with the middle ground seamlessly. Colors were creatively used to enhance perspective in the painting. The background between the couple consists of light colors that create an illusion of light from the outside coming in the room and illuminating the entire room. Darker colors have been used on Mr. Clarkââ¬â¢s side while lighter colors have been used on Mrs. Clarkââ¬â¢s side. There is a unique interplay of light and dark colors to Mr. Clarkââ¬â¢s shadow, which appear lighter than the shadow created by both the telephone and the Indian sculpture. Besides, the painting can be divided into two based on the interplay between the dark and the light colors. Mr. Clarkââ¬â¢s side of the painting is darker and is progressively lighter towards Mrs. Clarkââ¬â¢s
Friday, August 23, 2019
Religion in Society Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
Religion in Society - Essay Example Religion in effect, gives these like minded people a place where they can meet and exchange ideas freely. Although their intention is based on sound principles, the problem is that religion, just like any clique in school or lifestyle trend in the real world, tends to encourage a sense of ââ¬Å"group in, group outâ⬠among its members (Libby Anne ââ¬Å"In Group, Out Groupâ⬠).. Religion tends to encourage that their members mingle amongst each other and disallow influences outside of the church into their lives. It is through this controlling aspect that religion manages to control their members. It is also this sense of belonging and safety among like minded people, who seemingly get hypnotized into believing the same things without question just because ââ¬Å"God said soâ⬠, that has turned sect and religious membership into a group phenomenon (Stewart, Joyce ââ¬Å"What the Phenomenon of a Small Group Says About the Vitality of the Local Churchâ⬠). ... William ââ¬Å"Church-Sect Theoryâ⬠). This theory as advocated by Weber is the basis of all other church-sect theories that were later developed by the likes of Ernst Troeltsch. If one should ask people who have a strong religious belief how they became highly religious, that person will get either one of two answers. Either they were born into the religion and blindly raised on the principles so they simply continued on with the tradition because they know nothing else, or, the person being spoken to will claim to have had a religious awakening while they were at a very trying point in their lives. The first reason, indoctrination by birth, is the process by which one becomes religious in a church setting. The other, becoming religious due to a traumatic event in life, is the process by which sects agrresively recruit their members (ââ¬Å"The Two Ways to Become Religious: Rise or Fallâ⬠). Of the two methods, it is the latter that preys on unsuspecting people who are looki ng for someone to cling to or blame in life for their misfortunes. While the prior has the person indoctrinated from birth because he was exposed to nothing else and has been raised in a community of like minded people. This community has in effect removed his ability to think and decide for himself because of his need for acceptance within the church community, thus making him a religious person in the monkey see - monkey do sense of things. The reason that is religious conflict is the same reason that there is constant war and strife in our world. Religious conflict is brought about because of the differing set of ideas that various churches and sects base their beliefs upon. Since their members oftentimes become highly passionate about their religious causes, this brings forth a time
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Lawyer Ed Masry on a referral Essay Example for Free
Lawyer Ed Masry on a referral Essay Erin Brockovich is a true American hero whoââ¬â¢s icon status and ââ¬Å"stick-to-it-ivenessâ⬠only fuels her determination to expose injustice and lend her voice to those who do not have one. Erin Brockovich is a single mother, unemployed, struggling to make ends meet in a world not particularly kind to single moms. After a car accident leads her to seek legal redress, she meets lawyer Ed Masry on a referral. When he loses her lawsuit, she shows up at his office, demanding a job, barely hiding her desperation. Intimidated, Ed gives her one. By pursuing her own curiosity she brings on a difficult and huge case about PGE. PGEââ¬â¢s desire to increase its profits was so big that they didnââ¬â¢t even care about their neighborsââ¬â¢ health or security. In a world where heroes are often in short supply, the story of Erin Brockovich is an inspirational reminder of the power of the human spirit. Her passion, tenacity and steadfast desire to fight for the rights of the underdog defied the odds. Her victory made even more sweet by the fact that while helping others, she in turn helped herself. This story is not just a triumph of the little guy over the big nasty corporation, its the journey of one woman down the path of self-discovery as well. If only the world had more ââ¬Å"Erin Brockovichesâ⬠in it, perhaps there would be more honesty in it. Profile of an extraordinary woman ââ¬Å"She brought a small town to its feet and a huge corporation to its knees.â⬠After watching the movie I realized that Erins public self was pretty much the same as her private self: she treated Ed, her boss in the same manner as she treated George, her boyfriend. Erin didnt take crap from anybody but at times she did let her aggressions take over. Most of the time these hostilities would lead her in contempt, but in the long run usually worked out for the best. It was a good way to get her point across at times but from my perspective she could have approached some of these situations a little differently, for example the night Erin met George she could have asked him nicely to be quiet instead of chewing him out angrily, even after he tried repeatedly to apologize to her. She is aggressive and she loses her temper easily. Another example of this is point where Ed takes on a partner for advice and help with costs on the PGE cases and when Erin walks in and finds out, she immediately feels offended and flies off the handle when she could have used a pillow method so to speak, to look at the situation from Eds point of view and realize that taking on this partner was in the best interests of the case. Incensed by what she has found, Erin begins a crusade to make Pacific Gas Electric accountable for the illness and death that they have caused. Driven by her own persistence and desire to seek justice for the townspeople, Erin goes door to door to sign up over 600 plaintiffs for a direct-action lawsuit against PGE. However, not everyone shares Erins enthusiasm to see justice done with PGE being the largest employer in the area, Erin finds a number of townspeople leery of rocking the boat. Nonetheless, Erins persistence and the personal interest she takes in their lives makes them listen. She is one of them. A kindred spirit and her ability to connect with them on their level makes them comfortable, ultimately earning their trust. She thrives on being the voice for those who donââ¬â¢t know how to yell. Along with trust and honesty comes respect. When a person is trusted and shown to be honest, that person is respected for those reasons. Erin experiences respect of her for the first time with the community of Hinkley. Once she knows how it feels to be respected, she realizes how valuable that asset can be: ââ¬Å"For the first time in my life, Iââ¬â¢ve got people respecting me. When I walk into a room, people shut up to see if I have anything to say. I never had that before. Please, donââ¬â¢t ask me to give that up.â⬠Erin was also respected for her compassion and selflessness. She genuinely cared about every single victim of P.G. E.ââ¬â¢s lie. She proved this fact when Theresa said Erinââ¬â¢s files needed some holes filled in and Erin recited from memory all the information Theresa wanted and more. Someone who doesnââ¬â¢t have compassion and caring for the townspeople of Hinkley would not have been able to do that. When Erin is hired there is some internal grumbling at the law firm, as a number of Erins co-workers resent her outspoken personality and questionable style of dress. She talks in a non-polite way, she always goes straight to her point and she is not afraid of saying whatââ¬â¢s in her mind, she is brutally honest: ââ¬Å"Thats all you got, lady. Two wrong feet and ugly shoes!â⬠She also loves ironies: ââ¬Å"I just went out there and performed sexual favorsâ⬠. Erin is always able to get the evidences she needs by using the means she has, she is extremely confident.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Potential Disadvantages Associated With Refurbishment
Potential Disadvantages Associated With Refurbishment Introduction From reading the chapter on the advantages of refurbishment, you could be thinking that refurbishment is the way to go because of all the positives surrounding it like, the social advantages, shorter time scale, environmental considerations, less money etc. But as we all know, for every argument, there is an up side and a down side. This chapter highlights the potential disadvantages, risks and problems that can occur on refurbishment projects so you can see the other side of the coin. To Refurbish or not to Refurbish ?. A fixed price contract to be constructed by a certain date involves alot of risks. These risks include whether the work can be performed at the agreed price, future price increases, weather conditions during the course of construction, competency of the contractors management, supervisors and workers. (Taggart, 2010) All of these risks and potential problems are taken into account on new build and refurbishment projects. But I will only be looking into the whole area of the potential problems and disadvantages that are associated with refurbishment projects, such as: Problems at tender stage. Added Health And Safety Considerations. Difficulty of locating data which requires investigations Added workload required to upgrade to meet existing regulations Problems involved with old/existing components and practices Extremely difficult to define accurate scope of works and accurate programme. 2.1 Problems at tender stage One of the disadvantages that come with refurbishment projects is the difficulty that can arise at tender stage. New build construction holds an advantage in this area as there are more procurement options available on a new build project than on a refurbishment project. This means that the principal disadvantage that refurbishment projects have at tender stage, is that the clients choice of tender options is limited for a number of reasons which will be stated below. An example of a procurement option that realistically would not be viable on a refurbishment project, would be Traditional Lump Sum Tendering. Some of the reasons as to why this would be an inappropriate method of procurement is as follows: It requires the work to be accurately foreseen and detailed (This is difficult on a refurbishment project as scope of work could prove difficult to predict). It fosters confrontation between employer and contractor (This is an important point as flexibility and good working relations are vital on a refurbishment contract). (Murphy, 2007) Another procurement option, which is not viable on a refurbishment project, is Open Tendering. Even though this option ensures maximum competition, there is the disadvantage that tenders may be received from firms who have neither the necessary financial resources nor the adequate technical knowledge and experience involved. Also other disadvantages associated with this type of tendering are that: There is a lack of control by the client over the competency of the builder he is employing. There is a waste of resources when many firms tender for the same job. (Seeley,1976) Even though there are a few options left for tendering on refurbishment projects, there are 2 main types which principally are better (typically on housing projects), which are (1) Selective tendering and (2) Negotiation with a selected contractor (1) Selective Tendering: This option is mainly referred on projects that are of great magnitude and complexity. But if selective tendering is chosen on a basic housing refurbishment scheme then the number of firms invited to tender should be 3 or 4. (2) Negotiation: This should be the principal option on a housing project because there is less time wasting involved. It also offers advantages as it allows for an early start to be made as less time is wasted at tender stage and also where the contractor chosen has exceptional experience of the scope of work covered by the type of work in question. (Seeley,1976)) This section should adequately describe how the limitation of procurement options at tender stage, is a disadvantage associated with the option of refurbishment. 2.2 Added Health and Safety Considerations Another one of the main disadvantages with Refurbishment is the added Health and Safety aspects, which have to be taken into consideration. The reason as to why the area of health and safety is so important is because, on a refurbishment project there are all of the considerations, which occur on a new build site, for example: Scaffolding Working at heights Danger of electrocution Working with dangerous instruments/ machines Danger of falling objects. Etc But also there are many more considerations, which have to be taken into account on a refurbishment project, which will not occur on a new build project, such as: Removal of asbestos Shoring (although this may be needed on rare occasions on new build contracts to support surrounding buildings). Danger of collapsing of old unstable houses Supporting decaying structural members so as to provide a safe place of work Danger of existing services All of these considerations are added to the general considerations, which means that the health and safety risk is almost doubled on refurbishment projects. I will address these health and safety considerations in much more detail in a separate chapter later on in this dissertation. 2.3 Difficulty of locating data, which requires investigations Another Disadvantage of refurbishing buildings is, the fact that when it comes to refurbishing older houses and buildings it is very difficult to locate data on the existing building which means that many different inspections and surveys must be carried out on the building before any type of works can commence which causes a loss in time and also these investigations and surveys can cost a lot of money to carry out, as the reports of these surveys can determine the scope and nature of the works to be carried out. There are many reasons as to why a survey is required, when a house or building is being refurbished such as: To prepare a measured drawing of the building to enable a scheme for alterations, improvements or extensions to be prepared. To advise on the repair and preservation of a building (including listed buildings). Work to be carried out to satisfy the requirements of the local or other authority, i.e. dangerous structure notices or public health notices. To prepare plans in connection with party wall agreements. This is usually required where alterations to a party wall are contemplated. (Noy, 1997) As you can see from above these surveys require great detail and could take a long time to carry out and also for the results to be drawn up which proves to be a large disadvantage. The procedure, which is involved in a typical survey of a house, is described below. Here is an example of a typical investigation procedure, which would be carried out on a typical 2-storey dwelling house. A preliminary inspection of the whole property to familiarise the surveyor with the type and layout. A detailed inspection of the main roof space and any subsidiary roof voids which are accessible. A room-by-room inspection at each floor level starting from the topmost floor. Inspection of accessible basements, cellars and sub floor areas. An examination of the elevations, including structure and finishes. Inspection of the site boundaries, outbuildings and surroundings. An examination of the elevations, including structure and finishes. Examination and testing of drainage and services. (Glover, 2001) You can see from above that these procedures must be carried out by a very competent and qualified person with an acquired knowledge of old properties and refurbishment techniques. Invariably it could cost you a large amount of money as well as time, depending on the complexity and size of the dwelling house in question. 2.4 Added workload required to upgrade to meet existing regulations. This is another potentially large disadvantage, as there can be a large possibility that the problem of the amount of work that is required to upgrade to meet regulations could cause you a lot of hardship and difficulties on refurbishment projects as there are so many regulations and requirements to comply with, that it could end up costing the client a lot of extra time and money depending on the age and condition of the building. Here, is a list of the main parts of the building regulations, which the building that is being refurbished will have to conform with: Part A- Structure Part B- Fire Safety Part C- Resistance to Moisture Part E- Sound Part F- Ventilation Part L- Conservation of Fuel and Energy Part M- Access for the Disabled Because there are so many parts to comply with, it could prove to be more beneficial to demolish and rebuild a house rather than refurbish the existing building as the costs involved in upgrading the building may result in the refurbishment project spending way over budget, and the client wishing that he had demolished and rebuilt the house rather than refurbishing it. This is why this particular section can prove to be a disadvantage of the refurbishment option. Because of the importance of this section I will be describing the whole area of upgrading buildings to meet regulations in a later chapter in this dissertation. 2.5 Problems involved with old/ existing practices. A large advantage that new build construction has over refurbishment is, because you are totally building a new structure from scratch, there are no problems associated with interaction between old building, temporary works, services and new work as well as having to match existing components with new components. (Murphy, 2007) This may not be a problem when refurbishing newer properties, but for example if you were refurbishing an old house with architectural details such as: old craft processes and old style antique details that are intended to be maintained and restored as well as repeated by the client in the refurbishment project that is to be undertaken, then this will cause many hold ups and time lost on the overall programme as well as much more money being spent because of the following reasons: Old processes such as specialist plastering and antique joinery are very time consuming and costly to reproduce because of the specialist nature of these processes. There are not many contractors around which carry out these types of old crafts which means that you could be a long time waiting. Because of the hold ups in these areas the rest of the project will suffer as a result, so therefore the project could drastically fall behind in time and could also go way over budget. This whole area could prove to be a big disadvantage if you are refurbishing a project under similar restrictions and restraints but these types of refurbishment are very rare unless you are refurbishing a listed building, but I will not be going into detail in the whole area of listed buildings in this dissertation. 2.6 Extremely difficult to define accurate scope of works and accurate programme. In my opinion, this problem is probably one of the biggest disadvantages associated with refurbishment as it affects the project in a lot of different fields. Firstly, when the scope of works and the programme cannot be specifically defined or finalised, then it means that there could be difficulties with regards to tendering and also planning as the contractor does not know for definite, what type of project that he is getting himself into. Secondly, if a particular detail occurs that is different from the planning specifications, then an investigation by the planning authorities may occur, which would directly affect the project. The statement Extremely difficult to define accurate scope of works and accurate programme can be proved by looking at the situations, which affect this problem that are: Late discovery of new circumstances: this is a feature that can occur on any size or type of refurbishment project. For example if you are refurbishing a house and you discover late into the project that you find that some aspect of the project does not comply with standards or regulations, which in turn means that alterations to the scope of works and maybe changes to plans will have to be carried out. Something like this could totally change the programme of the job and also the final accounts. Discovery of unforeseen conditions possible for almost entire project: This problem is another factor that proves the difficulty involved with trying to draw up an exact scope of works and programme. Even though a general site investigation may have been carried out at the start of the project, it is still entirely possible that unforeseen conditions may appear throughout the project. Some of these conditions may include: late discovery of decaying structural members, late discovery of absence of wall insulation,, dpc etc. Late discoveries similar to these are a constant feature of refurbishment work, that add to the problem of producing an accurate scope of works and programme for the project. After reading this section the reasons are apparent as to why an accurate scope of works and accurate programmes are very hard to predict due to the reasons stated above. You can also see how these areas in turn, affect other aspects of the project such as tendering, procurement and the adequate selection of a contractor for a refurbishment project.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Under Pricing of Initial Public Offerings
Under Pricing of Initial Public Offerings defines initial public offering as the first sale of stock by a private company to the public. IPOs are often issued by smaller, younger companies seeking the capital to expand, but can also be done by large privately owned companies looking to become publicly traded. In an IPO, the issuer obtains the assistance of an underwriting firm, which helps it determine what type of security to issue (common or preferred), the best offering price and the time to bring it to market.à [1]à IPO INITIATION AND THE PHASES OF IPO TRANSFORMATION: Any IPO goes through the following stages of transformation: The pre-IPO transformation phase can be considered to be a restructuring phase where a company starts the groundwork toward becoming a publicly-traded company. Furthermore, companies should re-examine their organizational processes and policies and make necessary changes to enhance the companys corporate governance and transparency. Most importantly, the company needs to develop an effective growth and business strategy that can persuade potential investors the company is profitable and can become even more profitable. On average, this phase usually takes around two years to complete. The IPO transaction phase usually takes place right before the shares are sold and involves achieving goals that would enhance the optimal initial valuation of the firm. The key issue with this step is to maximize investor confidence and credibility to ensure that the issue will be successful. The intent of these actions is to prove to potential investors that the company is willing to spend a little extra in order to have the IPO handled promptly and correctly. The post-IPO transaction phase involves the execution of the promises and business strategies the company committed to in the preceding stages. The companies should not strive to meet expectations, but rather, beat their expectationsà [2]à The marketing process of going public is marked by what is called road show.à road shows involving Issuers and key managers of the company to potential investors via presentations in major cities and face to face with the target investors (Ritter, 1998).à These presentations focus on business operations, products and services, and management.à The visit aims to assess the expected demand for the shares of the company and serves as a key input in the final determination of the initial price of the shares At the end of the road shows, and just prior to the actual first day of trading (usually days before opening day), directors and underwriters will determine the initial offering price.à This is quite important because once the price is determined there is no scope of increasing it even if there is high demand for it. This is how stocks become underpriced. By the close of the first trading day a huge difference can be seen between the actual price and listed price. The concept of under-pricing is dealt with more detail in the following section. THE CONCEPT OF UNDERPRICING Under-pricing is the difference between the initial offered price of the stock and the price at the closing of the first day of trading (Ibbotson, 1975, Ibbotson, Sindelar and Ritter, 1988 Ritter, 1998). This undervaluation is not unusual for companies to commit.à To illustrate, suppose the initial price of a firm issuing 1 million share is $100/share. This would result in a capital of $100 million for the company when all the shares are sold. Now suppose towards the closing of the day, the share is traded at $150. This would mean that the share was underpriced by 50%. This results in an available profit of $50 million for the initial investors. This phenomenon is seen universally across developed and developing countries. This trend of under-pricing can be seen as going against the concept of market efficiency and may cause distress to firms trying to collect capital for expansion. In this regard much research has been done and much literature has also been written. The theory of efficient markets suggests that the price of newly issued shares will quickly adapt to all relevant available information in the market (Fama, 1970) reflect.à However the constant undervaluation has raised questions about what happens when companies go public.à The decision to go public is one of the largest in corporate finance.à Even developed economies like the US, a number of large companies are not public. This shows that going public is not mandatory for a company but it is a choice. However there is a clear disparity between companies choosing to use the stock market and the companies that do not.à A company basically goes public to either diversify their portfolios or to raise capital to invest in future projects. Some other reasons why a company might opt for going public include overcoming debt, change of controls and to enhance opportunity. WHY ARE IPOs UNDERPRICED A LITERATURE REVIEW There are direct and indirect which are borne by the company when an IPO is issued. The indirect cost is the cost associated with information provision to the stock market and the direct costs are the numerous costs which are associated with fees and charges such as the underwriting fees, legal fees and auditing fees etc. However the most important among these and probably which affects the stock price once it is issued is the dilution associated once the shares start to change hands in the public. Often IPOs are found to be underpriced due to this dilution costs. Moreover the IPOs are often subject to the practice of book building. Book building refers to the process of generating, capturing, and recording investor demand for shares during an IPO (or other securities during their issuance process) in order to support efficient price discovery.à [3]à In the event of an issue going public, the issuer always fixes a price band and allows the investor to quote a price within this price band. The upper limit of this price band is the maximum possible price to be paid for the IPO and hence there is a chance that the issue becomes underpriced in case there is excessive demand for the stock. In this the valuation of the stock often reaches an estimate before the stock transacts in the market. As such there is a chance that the stocks get oversubscribed. A peculiar trend can be seen in case of IPOs. The returns are quite high in the initial period. But over a short period of time this return is normalized or completely minimized and the stock star ts to trade at a value close to its actual issue price. Therefore it may be wrong to assume that the stock is actually underpriced at the time of issue. Several factors can affect its high return which can include a bullish market also. Rock (1986) and Baron (1982) explained this under-pricing through their models. Baron assumed that investment bankers /underwriters possess more information on the demand of the security than the issuer. The issuer has to compensate the underwriter for this superior information set. Rock assumed that there are two groups of investors in the IPO market which are categorized as the informed investor and the uninformed investors. Systematic under-pricing is needed so that the uninformed buyers can earn a normal expected return The price formation process for IPOs may be susceptible to the existence of significant conditional price trends in the short-run aftermarket for several reasons: First the market takes time to adjust to the amount of analysis done on the announced issues and this time can extend over several months. There is a great deal of skepticism around the IPOs because of the scarcity of public information available at the time of initial offering. Thus their true value seems highly uncertain to the public. The initial return of the stock is actually the first reaction of the people and goes on to show how the people assess the stock against the initial offering. Second, the first market price may fail to reflect fully all available information because of the potentially fragmented market for IPOs. The issue size of IPOs is typically small and the underwriters, often facing excess demand, ration new issues to their regular clients, who constitute a small subset of potential investors. Initial trading in the aftermarket serves to disseminate information about the value of IPOs to other investors. While initial upward price movement of underpriced IPOs spreads favorable information, the available supply of shares is restricted because underwriters typically discourage initial subscribers from selling their allotments in the aftermarket. Investors who were unable to obtain their full subscriptions at the offering may seek to buy shares in the aftermarket, resulting in a sequence of daily positive returns. In the case of an overpriced issue, the first market price fails to reflect the available information because of price stabilization by the un derwriting syndicate. The under-pricing can be explained with the help of many hypotheses. These are discussed below: The Risk-Averse-Underwriter hypothesis: In order to mitigate the risks and costs of underwriting the underwriters usually knowingly undervalue the stocks. However the investment bankers readily do their homework and they have a fair idea of the actual value of the stock. Therefore this hypothesis only seems meaningful when there is a scope of book building and not when there is a case of fixed price offerings. Since both book building issues and seasoned equity offerings were historically underpriced, one cannot say that the main motive of under-pricing were the investment bankers desire to averse risk. The Monopsony-Power Hypothesis (Ritter, 1984): The investment banker enjoys monopsony power while analyzing common stocks of small firms. They then ration these to the most influential customers who have maintained good relations in the past. Further reasoning by different analyst suggested that this under pricing can also be targeted at earning excess income in the form of commission and fees. (Ritter, 1984) suggested that the gross under pricing might be result of the monopsony power of the investment bankers in underwriting common stocks of small speculative firms. According to Ritter, the investment bankers intentionally under price the securities and ration them to their large customers who regularly buy a variety of investment services from them. The Speculative-Bubble hypothesis: This hypothesis says that one of the reasons for stock price to boom is due to those investors who could not grab a share during the IPO (because of oversubscribing) and those who speculate that the prices of these stocks will rise in the future. This was typical during the IT boom period. The point to wonder is what determines the true value of the stock. The true valuation and the quality of the IPO can be analyzed by the following: Retained Equity Since firms can determine how much equity they will give out at the time of initial public offering. Since this figure can be obtained in advance therefore it serves as the most relevant and the most researched. Since the pre-IPO ownership of firm is determined and very unlikely to change, this becomes an extremely difficult signal to imitate. It must be noted that any change in such information prior to the IPO can dampen the enthusiasm of the investors and might have significant impact on the value of the stock. Underwriter prestige The market value can be significantly changed due to the prestige attached with the underwriter. Those investment bankers who have a good reputation in the market will signal less uncertainty about the performance and offer value of the IPO. The valuations done by these investment bankers will be considered with less speculation But even in the face of a prestigious investment banker doing the valuation, there is significant chance of under-pricing. These underwriters play with two key constituents in the IPO process. The underwriters representing the firm forms the first and the client base for whom the securities are marketed. The first constituent is the firm whose securities the underwriters represent. The second is the client base to whom the underwriters market the IPO securities. Auditor Reputation The price of the IPO can also be influenced by the auditor reputation. The auditors who are deemed as high quality will be judged with very less speculation and the investors will fairly accept the value of IPO set forth. If the auditor fails to reveal potential negative firm information, then the reputation of these high quality auditors may suffer. In some cases shareholders can also file a lawsuit. Number of Risk Factors The prospectus revealed by the issuer also details the risk factors pertaining to the company. The purpose for this is to let the investors assess the fair value of the IPO and the possible opportunity that might exist in investing in this IPO. Firms with more risk factors can be associated with higher uncertainty. Firms with greater numbers of risk factors are associated with higher uncertainty. Firm Size Larger firm size often has greater resources and more opportunity to survive in extreme situations. Thus the firm size also motivates the price of the IPO. Several studies found that there is a negative correlation between underpricing and firm size. This is consistent with the relation between large firm size and more stability. Thus potential investors trust the IPO price to be close to its fair value when large firms are at stake. Moreover the larger firms also are associated with more prestigious underwriters. Firm Age The more the age of the firm will act as a protection from the risk and this is used in valuing the price of the IPO. This is because the younger firms have less number of published financial data and hence the valuations done for these firms are often subject to uncertainty. Moreover these firms are also not analyzed by financial analyst. Firm age and performance are often related. Offer Price One of the responsibilities of the lead investment bank is to assess the pre market demand for its clients prospective IPO in an effort to set a reasonable price. Thus this initial price might also instigate some amount of under-pricing. Also it has to be known that a very modest price will signal less demand and less value or maybe both. The initial price of an IPO offering may also have value as an indicator of underpricing. In the early stages of an IPO, the lead investment bank is responsible for assessing the premarket demand for its clients prospective IPO in an effort to set the offer price. Presumably, a very modest offer price will signal little demand, little value, or both
Monday, August 19, 2019
Adderall, Ritalin, AD/HD, and Abuse Essay examples -- Biology Essays R
Adderall, Ritalin, AD/HD, and Abuse Attention Deficit Disorder and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder are behavioral disorders affecting attention span, impulse control, and self-discipline. They are usually associated with children, although adults can suffer from the same disorders. It is estimated that 4% - 6% of the U.S. population suffers from AD/HD, and children with the disorders carry them into adulthood more than half the time. Typically medicated with psychostimulants such as Ritalin or Adderall, (methylphenidate and dextroamphetamine, respectively), concern over these disorders surrounds problems such as over-diagnosis or misuse of the prescription medications. ADD is characterized by an inability to concentrate, poor self-control, and short attention span. ADHD is essentially characterized by the same deficiencies except it includes hyperactivity and impulsiveness. The two are generally grouped together in the acronym AD/HD and are treated the same way, although each diagnosis can be labeled with a subtype of predominantly inattentive type, predominantly hyperactive-impulsive type, or a combination type. Treatment involves psychological, educational, and social remedial measures along with medication, but frequently the more time-consuming efforts for treatment are disregarded in today's impatient world, with parents and patients hastily looking to medication for a quick solution. Ritalin is the brand name for methylphenidate hydrochloride, a stimulant which was introduced in 1956 and affects the way the brain filters and responds to stimuli. This can be helpful to a person with AD/HD who feels bombarded by stimuli and is easily distracted. Although its workings are still largely not understood, meth... ...DMA (ecstasy), with the exception of seratonin for dopamine. Everything in moderation--methylphenidate and amphetamines can be beneficial for academic focus, but dangerous if their guidelines are not respected. References 1)Biopsychiatry, Methylphenidate/Cocaine Comparisons 2)CHADD Children and Adults with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, 3)National Attention Deficit Disorder Association, 4)Erowid, 5)Assessment of Adult AD/HD, 6)ADD Drug Abuse Rising, 7)Overdiagnosis Unlikely, 8) Self-Test for AD/HD,
Sunday, August 18, 2019
My Philosophy Statement Essay -- Philosophy of Education Teaching Essa
My Philosophy Statement Coming from a family of educators, I have always been aware of the love and importance of learning. Growing up I thought I wanted to be a Marine Biologist and was even accepted at Coastal Carolina to study this field. After much deliberation, I realized that what I really wanted to do was teach. In high school, I had the opportunity to work with children through the Eagleââ¬â¢s Nest Club and my Spanish class and knew this is what I wanted to do. My opportunities through these two organizations gave me experience with elementary students. This is what I have chosen to do. I plan to pursue a degree in elementary education and add certification for pre-k and special education. Again, coming from parents of educators, I know how important education is and I also know how important it is to consider the individual child and the baggage they bring with them. Some students come to school with a background that has provided plenty of stimulus and are ready to learn. Others come with terrible childhood and family histories and struggle to survive, much less have the pre-readiness skills to learn. My goal is to teach early childhood students and make my classroom a place where all children, those from impoverished and abusive homes to those with well to do and stable homes, have the same stimulation and opportunity to learn. Even though my goal is to teach early childhood, my degree will be through K-8. Consid...
The Dispensable Nigger in Joseph Conrads Heart of Darkness :: Heart Darkness essays
The Dispensable African in Heart of Darkness à Three Works Citedà à à à The story is about a man named Marlow, who is hired by The Company, which is a shipping company located in England.à Although Marlow had sailed before, he had never sailed to Africa.à The people who operated The Company (those located in England) are so far removed from reality, that they have no concept of the devastation caused in order to ship vast loads of ivory.à The Company is a perfect example of how these profit driven industries obtain their wealth ââ¬â through the blatant disregard of the environment and their fellow man. One can only imagine the death and destruction that was inflicted in order to ship mass quantities of ivory.à The Companyââ¬â¢s disrespect for the Africans and their environment was the typical attitude had by many nineteenth century profiteers.à Their rationale was that no matter what degree of damage was inflicted, they felt it would never affect them. Their disdainful attittude towards the Africans is expressed in the following words: The conquest of the earth, which mostly means the taking it away from those who have a different complexion or slightly flatter noses than ourselves, is not a pretty thing when you look into it too much.à à (Conrad 9) In order to be able to conquer a people, one must dehumanize them and believe they are insignificant/inferior.à This mode of thinking is used to justify any atrocities committed by the conquerors. In ââ¬Å"Root of Racism,â⬠the superior attitude is described as All groups, by their nature, imply to the members that they are somehow special in particular ways and in many ways better, than their fellow travelers on this earth.à à (Ross) This superior attitude has been evidently pervasive throughout mankindââ¬â¢s history; some strong examples of these are the war in Bosnia, the slaughter of the Tutus in Rwanda and the white settlers near annihilation of the Native Americans. Conradââ¬â¢s character Marlow describes the natives as having ââ¬Å"a wild vitalityâ⬠and their ââ¬Å"faces like grotesque masks.â⬠à These remarks demonstrate his fear and reinforces the distinction between himself and the natives. Racial or ethnic hatred is a direct consequence of our Fear Response.à Hatred is really taking the fear response one step further.à We justify that fear by invoking certain attributes to others by assuming that they may be inferior, evil or harmful.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
A manager and a leader Essay
The difference between a manager and a leader is that the former ensures control and rationality, her/his focus is on day to day problem solving, best means in achieving results for staff to continue to contribute to the organisation (Zaleznik,1992) . While a leader uses power to influence actions and people, focusing more on outcomes and impact, where this action has inherited risks such as the risk of losing self- control in the need for power (Zaleznik,1992). While leaders and managers have common traits such as sound communication skills, work ethics, integrity, key technical competencies, etc, yet there are some differences. These differences can be summarised as follows: Risk taking: Manager are regulators of affairs in an organisation, getting rewards from collective achievements . Therefore, to be a good manager, it requires persistence, patience, intelligence, analytical skills, and goodwill. Leaders think out of a box and work with high risk initiatives. While managers, unlike leaders, tend to solve problems in a more conservative way and tend to tolerate mundane and practical work (Zaeznik,1992). Leaders on the other hand are risk takers. Relationships: Manager work with people to implement initiatives, solve problems, by focusing staff on policies and procedures and not on content (Zaleznik,1992). They are engrossed in how to make decisions, but not what are the rights decisions to make. While leaders attract strong feelings of identity and difference. Their human relationship might seem turbulent, intensifying motivation and often resulting in unanticipated results (Zaleznik, 1992). Sense of self-worth: managersââ¬â¢ sense of self-worth is secured by ensuring and strengthening existing institutions. While leaders feel separate from their institutions, their perception of identity is different (Zaleznik, 1992). They may work in an organisation and never have a sense of belonging, always seeking opportunities for change. Vision versus objectives and goals: Managers take the short view, focus on objectives, targets, implementation and monitoring and evaluation while leaders take the long view, focusing more on a clear vision, a clear sense of purpose, and a passion to pursue that vision while aligning the organisation its vision (Allio, 2012). Manager Leader Ensures control and follows day to day work implementation of an action plan (day to day work) Sets a vision A problem solver Uses power to lead and influence action Not a risk taker Willing to take risks (balance between change and stability) Follows rules and regulations High levels of creativity, always thinks out of a box Implementer Leads, inspires and motivates Strong sense of belonging to organisation May and may not have a sense of belonging to organisation Works in a comfort zone Always embracing change management, seeking new opportunities. In health care, the Minister of Health in the State of Palestine is a leader, while the director generals, directors of various departments are managers. The former is the person who sets out the vision for the ministry, partnering with other stakeholders (UN organisations, private sector, and others) for instance in advancing the public health sector. This resulted in a reduction in infant and under five child mortality rates over the past five years. While director generals and directors are consumed with implementing the inputs needed to achieve the overall vision set out by the Minister. Thank you. References: Allio, R.J., (2012), ââ¬ËLeaders and leadership ââ¬â many theories, but what advice is reliable?.ââ¬â¢ Strategy and Leadership. [Online], 41, (1), pp. 4-14. Available online from: (Accessed on: 19 January 2015). Zaleznik, A., (1992), Managers and leaders: Are they different?ââ¬â¢ Harvard Business Review. [Online], 70 (2), pp 126-135. Available from: (Accessed
Friday, August 16, 2019
Finding my father
My clothes felt like a cold, damp extension of my body, as I lay panting on the floor. Blood, water, sweat, I wasn't sure what it was. At this moment, I was just glad to be alive. As I attempted to pick myself up off the rough asphalt, I felt a warm liquid well up in the depths of my throat, as I retched onto the ground. Oddly, this wasn't how I normally felt at 11am on a Thursday morning. My name is Alex Watson. Alex was after my father, a man who I heard a great deal about, but never met. My mother was only a college girl when she met my father. He was dead before I was born. When I asked my mother about it, she got angry, or said she was tired, anything to avoid my questions. In the end, I just had to get on with my life. I moved to New York, into an apartment block which encapsulated the bleak misery of city life. You eventually learn to block out the sirens, gunshots and screaming. About a year ago, I got an urge to discover who my father was, beyond the facade of distorted facts my mother decided to disclose to me. For some reason, I needed to know. I needed to know the truth, and seeing as nobody was going to tell me, I decided to look for myself. The task turned out to be the proverbial needle in the haystack. The problem with my father was, he liked to keep a low profile. So much so that, until I was sixteen, I had no idea what he did for a living. Anything I did find out about him was on a need to know basis. Discovering my father wasn't going to be as easy as I first imagined. Home was not exactly an awe-inspiring. My roommates where cockroaches, and a stray cat who I had named Takeshi. These more than minor inconveniences allowed me some pleasures, such drowning my sorrows in ââ¬Å"The Manhattanâ⬠, a bar so close to my apartment that I could wander out if it drunk and fall into my bedâ⬠¦or at least the floor. This was my escape, my salvation from the nine to five drudgery of my life. I was never good at working in boxes. I worked as a retail technician for a major electrical appliance company. I answered phone calls from people whose children had put jam sandwiches in their VCR's, or people phoning me asking why the cup holder on their new computer was broken. I was supposed to respond to them in a cheerful, knowledgeable manner, but most of the time I had to concentrate on not screaming and slamming the phone down. However, their phone calls did break the monotony of staring at a prefabricated cardboard wall, rules and codes of conduct staring at me in the face. I felt trapped. I felt like I needed to escape, a release from my life. It's probably normal to, at some point or other, question your existence on this planet. Why are you here? What's so special about you? In my case, I took a long hard look at myself, and found nothing. Nada. Jack shit. I could find no real reason for me to be on this earth. And to be completely honest, this didn't surprise me. I had always been decidedly average. My only sense of purpose was finding the truth about my father, but to do that I needed money, and to get money I needed to work. Unfortunately, as I've already stated, my job was like a nine to five lecture on the art of watching paint dry. What I needed was a miracle. What I got was a blessing in disguise. ââ¬Å"Sir, you can't stay here, it's public endangerment!â⬠. I can't say I ever heard these words, my drunken demeanour, as well the cacophony of the halted cars horns, prevented them from reaching my ears as I wandered down the middle of a road. I tripped over my own feet, and landed back first. ââ¬Å"Back owf!â⬠I warned, ââ¬Å"I'm armsed!â⬠. I swung my whiskey bottle wildly, until it flung off and hit the floor. ââ¬Å"Crapâ⬠I murmured before passing out. Two hours later, conscious and sober, when I was informed of the events, I can't say I was surprised. My excuse? I was bored. However, when I told this to the police, they were less than impressed. I was expecting them to throw me into one of their first class, luxurious cells for the night, and maybe, if I'm luck, beaten to a pulp for saying I supported the wrong football team. But if I've learnt anything, it's that life's a bitch, and you never get what you want. Simply a clip round one ear and a ââ¬Å"Don't do that again!â⬠in the other. Jesus, my mother gave me better telling off than that when I was seven! Slightly disheartened at the state of the judicial and law enforcement services, I made my way towards the door, and the unbearable natural light of the afternoon. As I did this, I glanced over at the desk. She was there. The woman who arrested me last night, when I decided to take a walk on the wrong side of the roadâ⬠¦figuratively and literally. Suddenly, I felt something I hadn't expected. I felt a twinge of guilt. It was a feeling I hadn't felt in a long time, not since before I started destroying my mind with drink. I felt guilty for what I had done, I felt like I needed to apologise. I crept over to the desk, unsure of what to say, but sure of what to do. ââ¬Å"Excuse me miss. Erâ⬠¦I just..erâ⬠¦wanted to say thatâ⬠¦erâ⬠¦I'm sorry about last night.â⬠Normally I'm a little more articulate than that, but the effects of last night's binge hadn't quite worn off. ââ¬Å"That's ok.â⬠She said, as her face broke into a smile. It was at this point I noticed something that had escaped me last night, (possibly because my eyesight was in a less than perfect state). This woman, smiling at me from behind the desk, was beautiful, not in a catwalk super model kind-of-way, which had never appealed to me, but in a regular, every day kind of way. Her smile was kind and gentle, and her deep brown eyes sparkled in the hazy mid-day sun. She was stunning in a subtle way. I was falling for her, and I could feel it. Her smile broke as she spoke again, ââ¬Å"Normally, I get a nasty sneer off people, and that's off the nice ones. But I could tell you were different, even when I first saw you.â⬠Her face broke into a smile again, and I just hoped I wasn't staring at her. ââ¬Å"I don't knowâ⬠¦I just knew you where different.â⬠I returned the smile, the first real smile I had had in months. ââ¬Å"Thank you. Hopefully, I'll see you around.â⬠She smiled at me, ââ¬Å"Hopefully not under the same circumstances, but we can live in hopes otherwise.â⬠As I walked out of the door, the painful brightness of the midday sun couldn't dampen my mood. I was no closer to finding my father, but maybe a step closer to finding myself.
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Media Ethics and behavior
With the most resent massacre at Virginia Tech the issue of media ethics has once again been brought into question. à This, I believe, is because of the need to understanding why or how this could happen.à Perhaps this understanding could prevent another violent incident from happening to our children and to our society and allow a certain type of closure in our grief. In researching the topic of journalistic ethics and its effects on behavior, I found three distinct concerns that related to the Virginia Tech massacre the first; does the media influence or encourage behavior? And if so, what steps is the media taking to understand this issue?à Is the media industry trying to create a plan to regulate how incidents of this nature are portrayed, or how they will be reported and in what context? à The second is on the issue of gun control; are United States laws on gun ownership not strict enough?à Do we need to get tougher?à Should we create more laws? And third is American society failing when dealing with mental health issues?à Is there enough studies being done or funding for mental health issues?à It should also be noted that in all the information on violent behavior everyone agrees that there is not one single indicator that will predict human behavior and that all avenues must be explored to fully understand human behavior which is very complex. In the United States children and young adults are among the highest at risk for experiencing violent crimes and violence.à We can also claim that a large portion of our time is spent interacting in the world of media.à Some forms of media used by American adolescents have been found to be very violent and this is where the question of mediaââ¬â¢s effect on behavior comes in.à Shortly after the Virginia Tech incident a USA Today article told of a popular game called ââ¬Å"Assassinâ⬠. This game is played on both college and high school campuses across America.à Police officers have been urging students, ââ¬Å"to halt the games, which involve ambushing other players with sometimes realistic looking toy gun or other objects, after the Virginia Tech shooting last week that left 33 people deadâ⬠.à The local authorities did this as a preventive measurement for the safety of the kids playing as well as others by mistaken intent (Welch). Serious crime by adolescents rose greatly in the late 1980s, and peaked in 1994. Since then juvenile crime has declined even faster than overall crime, and violent offenses by juveniles have fallen back to 1980s levels. In 2000, juveniles accounted for 17 percent of all violent crime arrests and 32 percent of all property crime arrests.à According to federal statistics juveniles account for only 9 percent of those arrested for murder, but make up one-quarter of all robbery arrests and 53 percent of all arson arrests. Since the number of Americans under the age of 18 is projected to increase, some juvenile justice experts argue the juvenile crime rate may increase as well (Public But regardless of how the media reports on school killings, society needs to develop better ways of helping their children when viewing or in some cases experiencing violence.à Teaching individuals at a young age that violence in any form is not tolerated and work at understanding why young individuals see violence as a method for solving problems. The Society of Professional Journalists and the Associated Student Press joined together to discuss how school violence is to be covered.à The discussion was to try to see how to balance reporting the news with minimizing harm to students across the country.à If shooters get their ââ¬Å"fifteen minutes of fameâ⬠, especially is they are dubbed as the heroic outlaw, then this opens the possible problems of increasingly more disenfranchised ââ¬Å"nobodiesâ⬠who may view violence as a way to become noticed. Reporters pressured to get the story and make it central on the nightly news may not be sensitive to the effects of their coverage in the larger scheme of things (Fitzgerald and Mitchell).à Members of the Society of Professional Journalists believe that public enlightenment is the important to justice and the foundation of democracy. The organization also believes that the duty of the journalist is to further those ends by seeking truth and providing a fair and comprehensive account of events and issues. They believe that all journalists from all media and specialties strive to serve the public with thoroughness and honesty. They go on to say that professional integrity is the cornerstone of a journalist's credibility. Members of the Society share a dedication to ethical behavior and adopt this code to declare the Society's principles and standards of practice ( This organization, Society for Professional Journalism, believes that ethical journalists treat sources, subjects and colleagues as human beings deserving of respect. Journalists should show compassion for those who may be affected adversely by news coverage. Use special sensitivity when dealing with children and inexperienced sources or subjects.à They must be sensitive when seeking or using interviews or photographs of those affected by tragedy and recognize that gathering and reporting information may cause harm or discomfort. Pursuit of the news is not a license for arrogance. Recognize that private people have a greater right to control information about themselves than do public officials and others who seek power, influence or attention. Only an overriding public need can justify intrusion into anyoneââ¬â¢s privacy. Journalist must show good taste, avoid pandering to lurid curiosity, be cautious about identifying juvenile suspects or victims of sex crimes, be judicious about naming criminal suspects before the formal filing of charges and balance a criminal suspectââ¬â¢s fair trial rights with the publicââ¬â¢s right to be informed. Journalists should also ââ¬Å"avoid conflicts of interest, real or perceived, remain free of associations and activities that may compromise integrity or damage credibility, refuse gifts, favors, fees, free travel and special treatment, and shun secondary employment, political involvement, public office and service in community organizations if they compromise journalistic integrity.à Journalist should disclose unavoidable conflicts, be vigilant and courageous about holding those with power accountable, deny favored treatment to advertisers and special interests and resist their pressure to influence news coverage and be wary of sources offering information for favors or money; avoid bidding for newsâ⬠( The meeting produced many ideals to help reporters and the public when dealing with violence and kids. As juvenile crime increased in the 1990s, nearly every state passed laws making it easier to prosecute juveniles in adult courts for serious offenses. Supporters say many juveniles are hardened criminals despite their youth, and maybe itââ¬â¢s not appropriate to handle serious crimes like murder and rape in the juvenile justice system. Critics say juveniles tried as adults will not get any of the counseling and rehabilitation services that might prevent them from committing more crimes. In surveys, most Americans endorse trying some juveniles as adults, but they also believe rehabilitation programs can be effective. Student journalists hope to educate the professionals about how to deal with people their age and how to be more aware of their concerns.à In turn, the professionals can guide students in how best to cover stories. The theory is that student journalists can get kids to talk without pressuring them or invading their privacy the way many journalists from out of town have done.à Yet working together with the professionals can help them through the process and through the trauma.à It may also be the case that student journalists can get through to other students in ways that adults can't, because students will more willing to read something about violence written by another student. ââ¬Å"We want to read it from the point of view of someone who knows what we're experiencing,â⬠said one student. Professional reporters come in, get the story, and leave, kids at a school where violence has occurred can continue to cover the story in a long-range manner, and with more breadth and depth.à ââ¬Å"Kids know there is more depth,â⬠said Laura Schaub, of the Oklahoma Inter-Scholastic Press Association, ââ¬Å"but they can use professional assistance conceptualizing how to get it into the paperâ⬠( In more resent weeks NBC news has been under fire for the way it handled the pictures and writings of the student who killed 32 people at Virginia Tech.à NBC announced that it would limit its use of images to ââ¬Å"no more than 10 percent of airtimeâ⬠.à Steve Capus, the president of NBC News, strongly defended the networkââ¬â¢s decision to broadcast the material.à Families of some of the victims, some law enforcement officials and executives from competing television news organizations have accused NBC of being insensitive or exploitative in the way it presented the materials on the air. (Carter). In a study from the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control I found that there were 173 incidents between July 1, 1994 and June 30, 1998. The majorities of these incidents were homicides involving the use of firearms. The total number of incidents did decrease steadily since the 1992-1993 school year. But the total number of multiple victim events appears to have increased. During August 1995 through June 1998, there were an average of five multiple victims events per year. This is compared to an average of one multiple victim event per year in the three years from August 1992 through July 1995. While the total number of events of school associated violent deaths have decreased, the total number of multiple-victim events appears to have increased (2007). In a study by the Center for Disease Control named Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) is a school-based survey designed to produce a nationally representative sample of risk behaviors among students in grades 9-12. This study was completed in 1997 and reported that 18.3% of high school students carried a weapons weather it was a gun, knife, or club during the 30 days preceding the survey, down from 26.1% in 1991. The survey also found that 5.9% of high school students carried a gun during the 30 days preceding the survey, 8.5% of high school students carried a weapon on school property during the 30 days preceding the survey and that 7.4% of high school students were threatened or injured with a weapon on school property during the 12 months preceding the survey. Nationwide, 4% of students had missed 1 or more days of school during the 30 days preceding the survey because they had felt unsafe at school or when traveling to or from school. The prevalence of weapon carrying on school property on 1 or more of the 30 days preceding the survey was 8.5% nationwide. Overall, male students (12.5%) were significantly more likely than female students (3.7%) to have carried a weapon on school property ( Research has demonstrated that exposure to both real life and media violence is associated with increased hostility and aggressive behavior and decreased empathy. However, not all adolescents will be affected by violence exposure in the same way. Those who are exposed to personal and community violence, or who have a predisposition to aggressive behavior, may be more at risk for the negative effects of violence exposure. The study explored the effects of real life and media violence exposure on two populations, 216 high school students (109 girls) and 96 adolescents (13 girls) detained in a juvenile detention center. Participants completed seven self-report instruments measuring exposure to real life and media violence, psychopathology, hostile attributions, aggression, empathy, and social desirability. Due to the differences in the samples, results were analyzed separately (Greene). Consistent with the hypotheses and the General Aggression Model, real life and media violence exposure was significantly associated with and significantly predicted increased aggression, increased hostile attributions, and decreased empathy for the high school student sample. Additionally, psychopathology was a significant mediating variable for the relationship between real life violence and aggression. For the detained adolescents, exposure to real life violence was positively associated with aggression and psychopathology, but was not significantly associated with hostile attributions or empathy. Media violence was not associated with aggression, hostile attributions, or empathy. But these results were not consistent with the hypotheses and may reflect desensitization processes or differences in aggressive practices among this high risk sample. Results of this study suggest the need for further work in the areas of prevention and interventions for violence-exposed adolescents in order to reduce negative outcomes. Additionally, future research may wish to focus more attention on high risk individuals to better understand the process through which these adolescents react to violence exposure (Anderson, Berkowitz, Donnerstein, Huesmann, Johnson, Linz, Malamouth and Wartella). Gun control is also part of this discussion.à This was the first topic brought out when the incident at Virginia Tech. was first reported.à The world news made this the center for attention.à Media placed blame for the cause in America on the topic of gun control and placed mediaââ¬â¢s involvement on the back burner.à New York mayor, Michael Bloomber stated to Newsweek, ââ¬Å"the conversation about guns needs to move beyond the extremes of Second Amendment purity and liberal utopianism. Much of the rest of the world manages to control gun violence better than we do; this is one case where American exceptionalism is nothing to be proud ofâ⬠(May 4, 2007).à But we shouldnââ¬â¢t forget that blame first should be put on the young man who actually did the killings and secondary blame can then be divided up equally between all other factors involved. General Public in America believes that for the most part other preventive measures are better than owning or carrying a gun.à On the web site Public agenda they conducted a survey on the general population and found that only about 21% believe that guns are useful in preventing crimes.à Most Americans say that tougher laws and punishment would be a better deterrent for crime.à They also found that a majority of Americans feel that school violence is not a serious problem in their schools and in general they feel safe.à They all admit that their community could still be susceptible to an incident like at Virginia Tech. ( Another point the media and the public brought out was the responsibility of helping individuals with possible mental health issues that might have caused someone like Cho Seung-Hui, the killer from Virginia Tech., to behave or react as he did.à In an article in Newsweek dated April 30th, 2007 they looked into the failure of the system and the general population as to seeing the signs, ââ¬Å"Cho had apparently dropped through the cracks of the university bureaucracy. Earlier run-ins werenââ¬â¢t in his recordsâ⬠(31). We need to encourage students who hear one of their friends make a threat to take it seriously, even if they don't believe that person would ever really so it. Look at the problem of bullying by peers in schools is another even though it may never be stopped, but listening to kids that are experiencing the bullying along with the kids bullying might help.à In doing this research I found that media isnââ¬â¢t the only factor in possibly making what has been happening in America worse. But to me it is clear there was an influence.à In an article written by Evan Thomas he did write about Cho Seung-Huiââ¬â¢s video and said he, ââ¬Å"pays homage to ââ¬Å"Eric and Dylanâ⬠the two videogame-addled teenagers who killed 13 students at Columbine High School in 1999â⬠(24).à In my opinion this does show a connection between violence and the media.à The Media industry really should acknowledge this fact instead of avoiding or defending their style of reporting.à Conscious efforts and discussion is vital in order to stop a growing trend in America when it comes to crime and violence. Works Cited Anderson, Craig A., Berkowitz, Leonard., Dommerstien, Edward., Huesmann, L. à à à à à à à à Rowell., Johnson, James D., Linz, Danniel., Malamouth, Neil M., and Wartella, à à à à à à à Ellen.à ââ¬Å"The Influence of Media Violence on Youthâ⬠.à Psychological Science in à à à the Public Interest.à December 2003. V. 4. Issue 3.à p. 81-118. 30p. Center for Disease Control.à Fitzgerald, Mark, and Mitchell, Grey., Eds.à Society of Professional Journalists.à Retrieved May 3, 2007.à Greene, Kathern. ââ¬Å"Predicting Exposure to and Linking of Media Violence: A uses and à Gratification Approachâ⬠.à Communication Studies, March 2005.à V. 56, Issue 1, à à à à à à à à à p.71-93. 23p. Meacham, J. ââ¬Å"The Editorââ¬â¢s Deskâ⬠.à Newsweek.à April 30, 2007.à p.4,4 National Center for Injury Prevention of Enterprise Communication Media Relation, à à à à April 21, 1999. Retrieved May 3, 2007.à à à à à à à Public Agenda. Retrieved May 2, 2007. à Savage, Joanne. ââ¬Å"Does Viewing Violent Media Really Cause Criminal Violence? A à à à à à à Methodological Reviewâ⬠.à Aggression and Violent Behavior.à November 2004. V. à à à à à à à à à à 10, Issue 1, p. 99-128. 30p. Thomas, Evan.à ââ¬Å"Making of a Massacreâ⬠.à Newsweek.à April 20, 2007.à p. 22-31 Welch, W.à ââ¬Å"Students Urged to Stop Playing ââ¬Å"Assassinâ⬠Gameâ⬠.à USA Today. May 4, à 2007.à Section: News. P. 3A Ã
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